13 DECEMBER 1957, Page 32


ACROSS 1 Censure for one who renovates mackintoshes (8).

5 Idiotic appearance of love with a water-dweller

9 Its6). cleat at the Customs (8). 10 Little old horse that might be a useful adjunct to

the road-mender (6).

12 Mixed clue I'd resolve, he might say—with truth!

13 Mitigated tigated (8).

15 This might lead to rage on the motorist's part (4-8).

18 Road tappings (anag.) (12).

23 'In the primal — Which having been must ever be' (Wordsworth) (8).

24 A garment so blue is wrinkled (6).

26 The poet's friend was rather a dull weight! (6) 27 Mountain of Light (3-1-4).

28 The colonel's hairdo, what a pet! (6)

29 Deep heather? (8) 2 Father pinches, it seems, with terrifying results (6).

3 It's right for a horse (7).

4 It's in the fashion for Jock to worry (4).

6 'Drop tears as fast as the — trees Their medicinal gum' (Shakespeare) (7).

7 I'm about' to clip it on the outside, it's under- stood (8).

8 Damn the fire-irons, as these base fellows might say (8).

11 Ways of Underground blowpipes? (7) . 14 What Celia did on Jonson's wreath (7).

16 Spanish hero rises to an outsize mixed pie, incidentally (8).

17 Scotsman in a horse mix-up (8).

19 Dobson's intended ode began in this fashionable manner (1-2-4).

20 Town over the border that really wouldn't do this! (7) 21 Ungrammatically I'm run over by a public vehicle (6).

DOWN 22 It's infuriating to draw again seemingly (3,


Two prizes will be awarded: a copy of the De Luxe edition of Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary and a hook token for one guinea. They will be awarded to the senders of the first two correct solutions opened at noon on December 23 and addressed: Crossword No. 970, 99 Cower St., London, WC1.

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary, New Version, is recommended for Crosswords.

Solution on December 27 Solution to No. 968 on page 852 The winners of Crossword No. 968 are: Mas. J. S. MALLINSON, Flemings, Wickford Essex, and Ma. T. J. CLARKE, 2 Stanhope Road Waltham- stow, E.l7.