13 DECEMBER 1968, Page 41


Across 1 Long-suffering? (10) 6 A breezy bit of song (4) 10 Dates can make one so satisfied (5) 11 Effect gained in simple mention (9) 12 Withdrew under pressure (8) 13 Graduates at science workshop discover heal- ing agent by reversal process (6) 15 By which Mrs Porter got all lit up (4) 16 'There was a — danced, and under that was

I born' (Much Ado) (4)

17 'Here me —1' cried Stalky (5) 20 The fruit of her labours was lionised (5) 21 Let it be torn (4) ,22 Boss of the stables (4)

24 I get in with those reticent shellfish to make demands (6)

26 Count out the dough? (4-4) 29 Of damp lands I've to attack (9) 30 Singular items (5) 31 Axes out of the blue (4) 32 How an intoxicated motorist might hope to be when on the run? (10) Down 1 Briefs? (5) 2 Against the unreal to get responsive music (9) 3 This sort of thing is not way out for the open- air girl (6)

4 Nutritive, my dear Watson! (10)

5 Overtake, having come full circle, softly to reach the northerner (4) 7 Organic grasses? (5) 8 'Something —, something done, Has earned a night's repose' (Longfellow) (9) 9 Angered, put out (7) 14 Great work in the Garden (5, 5) 15 Reclaim promises of cash, just to be spiteful (9)

18 Send to Coventry in the classic way after a night on the tiles perhaps? (9) 19 Enclosing Angelico and an oriental dynasty (7) 23 Turnover device for the bear (6) 25 Stick on very loudly in starting point of good news (5)

27 Endures with model feet (5) 28 Radio-telephone that is another twenty (4) Solution next week

Solution to Crossword no. 1355. Across: 1 Black dog 5 Clasps 9 Douanier 10 Mohair 12 Gentle 13 Musician 15 Advance guard 18 Flying column 23 Edomites 24 Asleep 26 Douche 27 Hear. hear 28 Dreary 29 Failings. Down: 1 Bodega 2 Alumni 3 Kindled 4 Oven 6 Looming 7 Shalimar 8 Serenade 11 Quickly 14 Marches 16 Offended 17 Cynosure 19 Neither 20 Mistral 21 Severn

22 Sparks 25 Beta.