13 DECEMBER 1969, Page 37

On animal noises etc.

Mr Spectator: Pray be so kind, dear Sir, as to convey the humble thanks of the clerks of this coll. to your Master Mercurius for his valiant defence of us against that naughty journal The Times, which has insolently ignored our own humble protestations, though they were correctly directed to Print- ing House Square, Manchester. There is some disputation here as to what fair visage is concealed by the character of Mercurius; some name Master Sparrow. Warden of All- Souls Coll. (where, 'tis said, the servants, being learned in Germanic tongues, do love to rouse their masters, crying 'Raus, Raus'), others our own Regius Professor, whose love for this coll. is well known. But to sshomsoever he be, pray convey the hearty thanks of all this society, and, sir, of