13 DECEMBER 1969, Page 37

The Freedom Movement

Sir: With the general election not many months away, I have no doubt several of your readers are toying with the idea of standing as Independent candidates in suit- able constituencies.

The Independent is not necessarily doomed to failure; he fails not because people feel obliged to vote for a party, but because he generally has no organisation and does not put in the necessary groundwork before the start of his campaign.

It has often been suggested that some central organisation should be created for Independents, providing most of the services expected from a party machine without re- quiring them to sacrifice their independence —a machine dedicated to the proposition that it is good for sin to have a mind of their own.

Such a body now exists in The Freedom Movement. We are I think unique in making no attempt to behave like a party or dictate a policy to our members. What we stand for, essentially, is the right of the voters to choose their ittPs freely (and this implies having a say in the selection of candidates also) and the duty of Mtn. having been elected freely to use their judgment as free men and women should. not coerced by whips. nor influenced by the hope of jobs or honours.

We therefore expect our members to accept three basic principles: a free vote in the House on all issues: electoral reform including the reform of selection procedures; and severe restriction of the Prime Minister's powers of patronage, which should be largely transferred to a Speaker's Committee or similar body. Beyond this they are free and indeed encouraged to hold and proclaim their own views, but we do not want extremists or people with clearly immoral or otherwise objectionable views.

We should be glad to hear from any pros- pective or potential Independent or 'small- party' candidate who accepts these principles and is interested in cooperating with us. as well as from those who are not planning to stand themselves, but would like to help Independent and 'small-party' candidates.

We hope to sponsor a candidate in the Bridgwater by-election, providlod there ap- pears to be enough local support to make a start on the necessary groundwork early in the New Year. As Bridgwater was held for years by an outstanding Independent MP. Vernon Bartlett, we think this support should exist at least among older voters. This would of course improve the prospects of Inde- pendent candidates all over the country, and we therefore look to their support in this contest, which could change the face of Eng- lish politics as that of Welsh politics was changed by the Carmarthen result, and that of Scottish politics by Mrs Ewing's victory at Hamilton.

Anthony J. C. Kerr Secretary, The Freedom Movement, Black- bushe Airport, Camberley, Surrey