13 DECEMBER 2008, Page 26

Over the Moonie

Sir: Like Matthew Parris (Another Voice, 22 November) I discovered, travelling to Australia, that time does not change according to zone, season, alcohol, whistling, thumbtwiddling or any other influence that we might impose on it. On a flight to Los Angeles from Sydney, the happy young woman beside me said she’d been married recently and asked if I’d like to see her wedding pictures. She handed me a stack of photos as thick as a phone book, which showed about 1,000 couples standing in matrimonial rapture before the Reverend Sun Myung Moon, asked if I’d heard of the Unification Church and embarked on a spiel that showed quite clearly her intentions over the next 13 hours. Unable to change time in my seat beside a zealous Moonie, I chose the only alternative: I changed seats.

Bruce McDougall

Via email