13 FEBRUARY 1841, Page 11



The decline of the French Viands, which in the course of the week have gone down more than 1 per cent., has tended to increase the previous heaviness of our own. The reply oetord PALMERSTON' to Lord STANLEY, by which it appears that the Government hive sent out inatractions to Mr. Fox to justify the burning of theCareline-and-reclaim Mr. M‘Lson as a British officer, has also alarmed the speculators, and added to the general gloom. Consols for Account have consequently been quoted during the week at 1 per cent. below our last quotations, and the price on one occasion (Wednesday) has been as low as 87i: a reaction, however, almost immediately took place, and after fluctuating between 38i and 881, the market has to-day improved to 88i ; but again gave way to- 88i, to be forced up to 88i by the purchase of a large quantity by a broker who usually acts for Hebrew speculators. The ope- rations during the week have not been extensive, and the transactions have beenprincipally for money. During the early part of the week, the sales pre- dominated, but for the last day or two the market has assumed a better ap- pearance, and there has been a greater demand for Money Stock. The decline of the French Funds before noticed has been occasioned chiefly by the opera- tions of speculators who have sold in anticipation of a loan; and we understand that some of the more eminent houses in that capital have invited the cooperation of our capitalists in the contract. It is understood that the loan will be in Five per Cent. Stock, butswe are not aware of the amount or the price at which it will probably-be-issued. The prospect of a loan or funding on the part of our Government still tends to keep up the price of Exchequer Bills, which are 58. to 7s. premium. India Bonds are, however heavy, and have been quoted to- day at 17s. discount. Bank Stock has been done at 1631, which is about per cent. lower than Tait week ; and India Stock at 246i. There have been but few transactions in the Foreign funds, and the fluctua- tions have consequently been unimportant Most of the European Continen- tal Stocks are without any material variation from our last quotations. There has been a demand for Peruvian and Buenos Ayres Bonds; one broker having offered 23 for the latter, in-the course of to-day. Columbian are, however, i heavy, and we cannot notice any improvement in Mexican. Spanish Active sock -continues depressed, and has been as low as 23f, being a decline or nearly per cent.; a reaction afterwards occurred, occasioned by an improvement in the price of the stoek in Paris, and the price here rose to 24k, but did not long remain at that quotation, the market having given way to-day, under the pressure that always takes place at the settlement of the Account, to 234 ;-z slight improvement occurred just at the close of busi- ness, and there-were buyers at 23i for the end of the month. The settlement of the dispute between Spain and Portugal about the naviga- tion of the Douro has not produced any effect upon the value of Portuguese Stock. This security has continued in.,a wry languid state, the Five per Cents. basing fluctuated between 321; and 32, and the Three per Cents. be- tween 19i and 20; there were, however, bayersof both at the lower quota- tions, at the close of to-day's business. The Railway Shares are generally heavy, in consequence of the decline of the English Funds; but the transactions in them have not been of sufficient im- portance to call for remark, although prices generally may be quoted from IL to 2/. helow our last.

Sertransv, Twat.va o'Cikea.

The improvement in the French Funds on Thursday has given increased firmness to our market, and every description of English Stock is at an advance of .*c per cent, upon the closing prices of yesterday. The opening price of Con- sols for Money was 88i, and tha quotation has since reached 88k; for Account ..the opening price was 88i; and as a speculator has bought largely, to close his account, the price has improved to 88f, at which quotation there are now sellers. A great deal of business has been transacted at 89 for the April Account ; and the price has alternated from buyers to sellers at that quotation for. the last hour, several brokers having sold largely Wlikever •the market has recovered itself. Exchequer Bills are without any change, and our quotations of Bank and India Stocks are only nominal. We have not any business to remark upon in the Foreign Market, where the quo- tatiois are nominally the same as yesterday. Buenos Ayres Bonds have been done at 24, but we cannot note any improvement in the other South American Bonds, or in Mexican.

3 per Cent. Consols ..... 891 1 Belgian 5 per Cents... 98 9'

Ditto for Account 22} 3 891 Columbian 6 per Cents

3 per Cent. Reduced 89} Danish 3 per Cents 77} 81 3iepe3}e

r Cent. Dittp 971 Dutch 2} per Ceuta 494 50} New 97 Mexican 5 per.Cents. Could. Ei} 8 Bank Stock 163 5 Portuguese Regency Spur Cu. 311 2

Exchequer Bills 5 7pm. Dittos per Ceuta 19} 20

India Stock for Account

Brazilian 5 per Cents 245 7 Russian b per Cents. 113} 14*

71} 2} Spanish (Active) . Zit I