13 FEBRUARY 1847, Page 19


Omcs or ORDNANCE, Feb. 8.-Corps of Royal Engineers-Brevet Major C. Wright to be Lieut.-Col. vice Reid, placed on the Seconded List; Sec. Capt. W. Stace to be

Capt. vice Wright ; Fitst Lieut. P. B. Whittingham to be Sec. Capt. vice Stace ; Sec.

Lieut. G. E. L. Walker to be First Lieut. vice Whittingintm. Corps of Royal Sappers and Miners-Sec. Capt. C. Fanshawe, Royal Engineers, to be Acht. vice Lynn, promoted. WAR-OITICZ, Feb. 12.-let Drag. Guards-P. W. Yorke, Gent, to be Comet, by pur- chase, vice De Reties, who retires. 6th Drag. Guards-Cornet T. Heywood to be LieuL

by purchase, vice Mandy, who retires ; Ensign P.O. L. C. Gwyn, from 83d Foot, to be

Cornet, by purchase, vice Heywood. 6th Drags.-Surg. J. Sidey, M.D., from 70th Foot, to be Sum. vice W. Mffiligan, M.D., who retires upon half-pay. 9th Light Drags.-

Assist. Sum. E. AL Macpherson, from 534 Foot, to be Assist. Sure. vice Stewart, pro.

rutted in 61st Foot. 1st Grenadier Regt. of Foot Guards-Lleut.-Col. A. H. Gordon, from half-pay unattached, to be Capt. and Lient.-CoL (repaying the difference), vice tee Hon. P. A. E. Freke, deceased ; Lieut. and Capt. A. Cox to be Capt. and Lieut. Col, by

purchase, v.ic.e Gordon' who retires ; Ensign and Lieut. J. F. D. C. Stuart to be Lieut. and Capt. by purchase, vice Cox; Ensign W. G. Cameron, front 424 Foot, to be Ensign

and Lieut. by purchsee, vice Stuart. 28th.Foot-EnsIgn H. Baxter, from 40111 Foot, to

be Ensign, vice Drew, who exchanges. 39th Foot-Lieut.-Col. H. Deedes, from half- pay unattached, to be Lient.-Col. vice R. Alrey, who exchanges; Brevet Lieut.-COL W. Fawcett, from half-pay 14th Foot, lobe Major, vice Deedes, promoted ; Capt. J. IL

Mathews to be Major, by purchase, vice Fawcett, who retires ; Lieut. R. C. Pack° to be Capt. by purchase, vice Mathews; Ensign W. Weary to be Lieut. by purchase, vies Packe ; Henry Edward Bale, Gent. to be Ensign by purchase, vice Warm.

40th Foot-Ensign F. B. Drew, from 28th Foot, to be Ensign, vice Baxter, who ex- changes. 50th Foot- Lieut F. W. D. Waddilove, from 9th Foot, to be Lieut. vice Love;, promoted. 524 Foot-Major Gen. Sir A. Maclaine, C.B. to be Col., vice Lieut.

Gen. Sir E. Gibbs, K.C.B. deceased. 534 Foot-G. K. Hardie, M.D. to be Assist. Surg., vice Macpherson, appointed to the 9th Light Drags. 61st Foot-Asalst. Sure.

A. Stewart, from 9th Light Drags, to be Surg. vice Smith, deceased. Nth Foot- Staff Slug. of Second Class P. Nicholson, M.D., to be Sum. vice Sidey, appointed to 6th Drags. 834 Foot-S. W. 31etge, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Gwynn, appointed to 6th Drag. Guards.

Ceylon Rifle Regt.-Lieut. H. Lucas to be Capt. by purchase, vice Brevet Major Skieeer, who retires; Second Lieut. W. T. Drake to be First Lieut. by purchase, vice Lucas ; E. Bagenell, Gent, to be Second Lteet. by purchase, vice Drake.

Royal Malta Fencible Regt-Lieut. Saved° Gatt to be Capt. with local and tem- porary rank, vice V. Bonavita, who retires upon fuU-pay ; Ensign L. Bonavitato Adjt. with local and temporary rank, vice Gatt, promoted; H. Montanaro, Gent, to be En- sign, with local and temporary rank. vice Bonavita, appointed Atift.

Unattached-Major H. Deedes, from 34th Foot, to be Lieut. -Col. without purchase.

Hospital Staff-Assist. Sum. S. Currie, M.D., from 16th Light Drags, to be Staff Sorg. of Second Class, vice Nicholson, appointed to 75th Foot ; A. Gosden, Gent, to be Assist. Surg. to the Forces, vice Newton, promoted in the Ceylon Rifle Regt. ; W. N. Boyce, Gent, to be Assist. Sum. to the Forces vice Tweddell, appointed to the Ceylon Effie Regiment. Brevet-Lieut.-CoL A. H. Gordon, of tat Gretueller Guards, to be Col, in the Arztgl Brevet Lieut.-CoL W. Fawoett, of 34th Foot, to be Col. in the Army.

Garrisons-Brevet Col. A. Findlay, on half-pay Royal African Corps, to be Fort Ma- jor at Inverness or Fort George, vice Capt. A. Fraser, deceased.

Memorandum-The removal of Lieut. R. C. Oliphant, from the 80th Foot, to the Royal Newfoundland Companies, on Dec. 8, 1846, has been cancelled.

The names of the Corporal Major appointed Quartermaster to the tat Regt. of LIM Guards, on Jan. 29, 1847, are William Elude, not William Birnie, as previously stated. The Christian names of Ensign Travers, of the 70th Foot, are Oates Joseph, not Oats Joseph, as previously stated.