13 FEBRUARY 1886, Page 14



SIR,-31r. Gladstone has formed his Cabinet, and his purpose, so far as the Irish Question is concerned, is proclaimed in the appointment of Mr. John Morley as Secretary to the Lord- Lieutenant of Ireland, which appointment Archbishop Walsh approves.

As an Englishman, I share the feelings of those who distrust a Government of concession to agitators ; but, Sir, my object in addressing you at this moment is to declare that, professing the faith of the Holy Roman Catholic Church, I abjure and have nothing in common with the conduct of the Archbishops, Bishops, and priests agitating with and taking part in the action of the National League in Ireland. I believe that in the public part they perform, they encourage outrage, share in the commission of sin, and betray the sacred trust of the priestly office in their charge.

The satisfaction with which Mr. Morley's appointment is regarded by that part of the Irish clergy foremost in agita- tion, appears to me to call for a disclaimer on the part of English Catholics. The pact to which some Irish priests appear to be consenting parties, is evidence of the degree in which training and self-interest destroy the perception of right and wrong. The teacher of the faith and the avowed agnostic are allies, because extortion is the object of one, and concession to clamorous outcry the remedy of the other partner in the pact.

I should rejoice if the English Catholic clergy could, as I know many gladly would, disclaim the conduct of the disloyal portion of the Irish priesthood. It is to be feared that a generous feeling of self-sacrifice will prevent the declaration which might provoke a contrast. Laymen may, however, refuse to be bound by the example of ecclesiastical superiors in political matters. Therefore, and although my personal importance is small, I venture to pronounce my aversion to, and my dissent from, the political teachings and action of the Catholic Archbishop of Dublin, and the Bishops and clergy of his following.—I am,