13 FEBRUARY 1886, Page 22

The eighth and ninth divisional volumes of Messrs. Cassell's admir-

able Encyclopaedic Dictionary, bringing the work down to the begin- ning of " P," have now reached us. It is enough to say that in all respects, but particularly in accurate, condensed, and up-to-date information, they are quite equal to their predecessors. The article on "Missions," for example, is a model of compactness. The quota- tions illustrating the meanings of words are very well chosen. Thus, a special use of the word "nip" is indicated by a quotation from one of Mr. Black's Scotch novels. The word is not Scotch ; but the meaning of it alluded to is greatly affected in Scotland. By the way, should not some reference have been made in the article on the Mormons to the death of Brigham Young, and the arrangements made in the camp of "the saints" in consequence of that event ?