13 FEBRUARY 1915, Page 12



[To Tu. Homan or Tin "ameralosn

Sic.,—Don't you get " woozy " on the attit nde of the American people on the war question. If the Devil himself should appear on earth in opposition to his Lord and Master, they

would make it a matter of politics in Washington, and endeavour to preserve strict neutrality until they could find out how the people were likely to vote. But every intelligent citizen knows as well as President Wilson does that there is a ninety per cent. drift of public opinion in this country in favour of England, and that nothing can change it. Our German-American citizens are among the beat we have, but we do not connect them in any way with the present attitude of Germany as a nation. In view of this fact, you should understand that it may be necessary to lean to totter side at times in order to keep the ship of State upon an even keel. All you have to do is " hold on and chew." The sincerity of the Government at Washington is not questioned, but, after all. "pigs is pigs."—I am, Sir, &a., Waterbury, Connecticut, U.S.A. AMERICAN CITIERM.