13 FEBRUARY 1915, Page 16


[To me Emma or ma °Creamy."]

Snt,—May I raise a plea P A large number of National Reserve men are scattered throughout Territorial units now serving at home. These men have, by very reason of their years, in many cases built up businesses, largo or small as the case may be. These men have home calls which, I think, entitle them to more leave than those unmarried lads whose borne tics are not nearly so strong. Yet the authorities treat them all as one unit as far as leave is concerned, which is not, I think, quite fair. The oall of duty bus meant very great sacrifices indeed to a large number of National Reservists; how great those sacrifices really are authority itself can never

know. The best recompense is the right of more leave—I am, [If we may do so without incurring any military censure, we desire to recommend the consideration of this suggestion to commanding officers, in whose bands we presume all matters of leave rest.—En. Spectator.]