13 FEBRUARY 1915, Page 2

In the Moose of Commons on Monday Mr. Asquith stated

that the casualties of the Expeditionary Force in the western area up to February 4th were approximately rare hundred and four thousand. Mr. Tennant said that Ito de,parash had been received from Sir John French since that published on November 30th. Mr. Tennant in introducing the enormous Army Estimates declined to state the exact number of our forces, as that was what the enemy ardently desired to know. For the same reason he withheld the recruiting figures. Recrniting had been very satisfactory. Nevertheless, more men would be needed, and before long inroads would have to be made into important industries. He appealed to the Labour Members to help the Government so to organize the industries that when a man enlisted his place might be taken by a man unsuited to military service or by a woman. More- over, the Trade Unions might relax their mica daring the war, especially in armament works. In speaking of affair. at the front Mr. Tennant said that the British design of aero- planes was superior to all others, and the machines lasted twice as long. Evidence was growing that inoculation ought to be made compulsory.