13 FEBRUARY 1932, Page 3


Lana- Rookh's ParadiSe in the Vale of Kashmir con- tinues to be disturbed by evil genii from without and within. Rioting is reported from various districts, and the Maharajah's State troops have been compelled to fire on the mobs. A small force of British troops has been sent to guard the headwaters of the Jhelum Canal and a few other critical points. The Indian Goverhment has to observe extreme caution in the matter, as Kashmir. is a native State, the administration is con- ducted,, by the Maharajah's Hindu officials, and the great :majority of the people are Moslems. On the other hand, as Kashmir's northern frontier touches Russian Central Asia, Delhi cannot be indifferent to her troubles in which Soviet agents are said, rightly or wrongly, to be implicated. It would be well if the Maharajah could effect the reforms in his. Government which Hindu opinion outside the State deems to be necessary. The autonomy of the native States is not lightly to be infringed, but there comes a time when continual unrest between the religious bodies, as in Kashmir, cannot safely be
