13 JANUARY 1838, Page 6

Mr. Hume has addressed a letter to the Slut, citing

the recorded opinions of Sir James Mackintosh, Mr. Labouchere, Mr. Huskisson, and Lord Stanley, in justification of the Canadian revolt.

It is said that Doctor Wolfred Nelson, Bouchette, editor of the Quebec Liberal, and Jalbert, who killed Lieutenant Weir, had bees taken pris niers. Papineau's papers, according to a doubtful account, in a private letter from Montreal, have been seized ; and among theta some "highly treasonable" letters from Mr. Hume and Mr. Roe- buck. If .he whole story is not a fabrication, the writer's notions of treason m ist be tinged by his own fierce partisanship. The M 'areal Courier recommends that a special commission shall be issued i innediately for the trial of the "Imprisoned traitors;" for, it

adds, " it would be ridiculous to fatten fellows all winter for the gallows." It is said that Captain Marryat has been making a "valiant speech" at Montreal.

The New York Evening Post contains a curious document, purport- ing to be the report of a Committee appointed to investigate Canadian grievances. The Committee profess to have examined the matter thoroughly ; and they have come to the conclusion that the British Government is the tool of a junto of individuals of British and Scottish origin, whose too successful design has been to goad the Colo- nists into rebellion. The chief motive of this clique, according to the American Committee, is the desire of obtaining the confiscated pro- perty of the Canadians.