13 JANUARY 1838, Page 8

The pregnancy of the Dutchess of Orleans is announced. A

rumour was circulated in the beginning of this week, that King Ernest of Hanover bad been murdered. It was premature.

Captain Liot, commanding one of the Queen's hired English armed steamers, arrived at Madrid during the latter end of Mendizabal's second Alinistry, with claims due to himself, his officers, and crew—. n'importe to how many' thousand pounds. M. Mendizabal told this gallant officer,—for such he proved himself at Oporto and the Cape of St. Vincent,—that he should feel the greatest pleasure in paying him, but that the finances of Spain did not admit of it; and that no other Minister of Spain could do more than be wished to do for such gallant auxiliaries of his country's cause. The CalatravaCabinet went out shortly afterwards ; Pio Pita was appointed Finance Minister, and promised golden mountains. Captain Liot's agent, an army.contractor, declared himself never to have been so punctually paid as by the new broom Pio Pita, who had given libransas (orders) on the Provincial Governments in satisfaction of Captain Liot's claim, which were as good as cash, sure to be paid immediately. Menclizabul shook his head, and expressed great doubts ; other friends and wellivishers of the Captain advised him to get these orders, said to be as good as cash, discounted ut any ad- ditional premium by those who admired them, and to leave Madrid as quick as he could. He disdained to do so, amid ■■ ben asked, the day before yesterday, by the ex•Finance Minister, what be had received, it was acknowledged that not a farthing bad reached his hands. " Well, did I not tell you so ?" was the candid answer of the man who, in financial affairs, made a little always go further than any other could. " Very true, you did, Don Juan".—Madrid Correspondent of the Times.