13 JANUARY 1844, Page 2

In Spain, that which was a project is now in

course of action ; and, having " suspended " the sitting of the Legislature, the Basvo Ministry are legislating by themselves. Their lawmaking is cha- racteristic: it begins with a remodelling of the municipalities ; and one notable provision is, to vest the appointment of the chief civic officers in the Government. GONZALEZ BRAVO and his colleagues, however, disclaim any intention of dissolving the Cortes : and pro- bably they will not do any thing so indelicately arbitrary—unless they change their mind. To put it in a familiar shape to the English reader : suppose by some odd revolution Queen Vicroata were induced to " send for" the editor of some scurrilous London paper ; that he were to form a Cabinet; that, under a tender re- gard for the public excitement, he were to " suspend " the sittings of Lords and Commons, and undertake to pass his own bills in his own Cabinet ; that he were to begin legislation with a bill vesting the appointment of borough Mayors in the Crown ; and that he were politely to disclaim any intention of dissolving the Parlia- ment, thus cavalierly relieved of its functions ;—the supposition is as extravagant as the wildest nightmare-dream, but it is only a literal narration of the facts in Spain. Portugal, which has just reached another opening of its Cortes without another revolution, quite shines in steadiness and tranquil- lity, beside the greater kingdom.