13 JANUARY 1844, Page 20


WAR-orrice, Jan. 12.-7th Regt. of Foot-Lieut. C. S. Cochrane to be Captain, by purchase, vice Sir W. O'Malley, who retires; Ensign R. E. De Montmorency. from the 26th Foot. to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Cochrane : Assist.-Surg. J. Mitchell, M. I)., from the 78th Foot. to be Surg. vice R. Sheen, who retires on half-pay. 30th Foot-

fit:ft.-Sum. of the Sec. Class S. Lawsou to be Surg. vice .1. Trigance, who retires upon alf pay. 53d Foot - Lieut. R. N. Phillips to be Capt. by purchase, vice Hutchinson, who retires ; Ensign W. Payn, to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Phillips; H. Lucas, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Payu. 59th Foot-Ensign G. Newcomen to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Tomline, who retires ; W. J. Hoare. Gent, to be Ensign. by purchase, vice Newcomen. 65th Foot-Lieutenant T. R. M'Coy, from the 98th Itoot, to be Lieutenant vice Knox, who exchanges. 66th Foot-M. F. Monck- ton, Gentleman, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Astley, promoted. 85th Foot- Lieutenant H. .1, Darell to be Captain by purchase, vice Brevet Major Derides. who retiree; Ensign H. Massy to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Darell; Hon. W. S. Knox to be Ensign. by purchase, vice Massy. 98th Foot-Lieut, T. G. Kuox, from the 65th Foot. to be Lieut. vice XV Coy. who exchanges.

2d West India Regt.-Lieut. W. H. Nicolls to be Capt. without purchase. vice Lard- ner, dec.; Ensign A. P. Smith to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Nicol's; R. W. Webster, Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase. vice Smith.