13 JANUARY 1855, Page 4

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Flu/mg.—The detachments of the new Imperial Guard, commanded by General Ulrich, and ordered for service in the Crimea, were reviewed by the Emperor on Tuesday, in the Court of Honour in the Tuileries. The soldiers were formed in squares in front of the Pavilion de l'Ilorloge; where the Emperor posted himself on horseback, the Empress sitting in the balcony above. Advancing to the front, the Emperor addressed the troops- " Soldiers—The French people in the sovereignty of their will have set up again Many things deemed tor ever dead, and now the Empiie is reconsti- tuted. Intimate alliances exist with our former enemies. The flag of France waves with honour on distant shores, which until now the bold flight of our eagles has never reached. The Imperial Guard, the heroic representative of military glory and honour, is here before me, surrounding the Emperor as of yore, wearing the same uniform, carrying the same flag, and, above all, cherishing in its heart the same feelings of devotion to its country. Receive then these flags ; which will lead you on to victory, as they led your fathers, as they have just led your comrades. Go and share what dangers yet remain to be surmounted, what glory to be gathered. Son you will have received the noble baptism to which 3 ou aspire, and you will have helped to plant our eagles on the walls of Sebastopol."

Then dismounting, the Emperor presented flags to the two Colonels commanding the Voltigeura and Grenadiers; the Empress came down, and they walked arm in arm round the squares, repeatedly conversing with the soldiers.

A new recruiting bill is under the consideration of the Council of State. One of its chief provisions abolishes recruiting assurance companies, and empowers the State to provide substitutes at a fixed rate. The present practice is for the conscript to purchase a substitute ; and as he frequently cannot find the funds immediately, his friends or the companies lend him the money. Lord John Russell—who with Lady John Russell has been called to Paris by the illness of a female relative of Lady John—had an interview the Kninlifoilrpoleon on Thursday.

,, PERMANY.- arly in the week, telegraphic despatches from Vienna, ( I generally received as authentic, announced that the Emperor of Russia -had sent a reply to the last communication of Prince Gortschakoff, au- thorizing him to accept he four points, and their interpretations, as a start- ing-point for negotiatiims. Then came the intelligence that the points And their iuterpretatiOn6 had been unreservedly accepted, but that pend-

tag negotiations hostilities would not be discontinued. Much obscurity still hangs about the relation of whatever has occurred ; and it is impos- sible to say more than that Prince Gortschakoff and the Emperor seem to have found the means of continuing negotiations at Vienna for a fortnight longer,—as some surmise, that he may further improve his formidable position on the Vistula, and enable Prussia still to temporize. A telegraphic despatch received yesterday states that Prussia has given in her adhesion to the treaty of the 2d December. Yet reports have been rife all the week that she has declined to mobilize her federal contingent at the request of Austria. A telegraphic despatch from Berlin, dated Thursday, supplies, however, a fact bearing on the question-

" The military authorities are in communication with the railway ad- ministrations respecting the means available for a speedy. concentration of troops, and orders have been given for adapting goods-carriages for the con- veyance of soldiers. The ultimate object of these preparations is unknown. An armed neutrality is spoken of, but only as a transitional expedient."

In a speech to the officers in garrison at Coblentz, on the 1st instant,. the Prince of Prussia said they could scarcely hope to arrive at the end of 1855 without seeing active service in the field.

"As yet.," he added, " the King has succeeded in preserving peace in his states ; without, however, the existing complications being lessened ; on the contrary, they have become more serious. But, as some parts of the army are already on a war footing, it may easily come to pass that the whole army shall be placed in a like position. In that case, I repeat what I have al- ready said to you—that the King will intimate to the army on what side it is to show its front, and that it will have nothing else to do than to defend and to augment the glory and honour which belong to it. To attain that object, the greatest efforts must still be made during peace, in order to be able one day to sustain the trial on the field of battle."

The Constitutiohnel publishes a letter from " an eminent statesman at Berlin," dated the 7th instant. Some passages possess additional interest at this moment when Prussia is reported to have joined the Allies.

"If we examine the conduct of our Cabinet since the commencement of the Eastern question, it will be found that its participation in diplomatic conferences, its treaty of the 20th of April with Austria, and the additional article of the 26th of November, were only intended to thwart or paralyze the action of the other great Powers. As for myself, I doubt greatly that even if Prussia should accede to the treaty of the 2d of December, which is more than problematic, she would give a serious and decided cooperation to the common undertaking. My opinion is based on a fact which has passed un- perceived in the newspapers, and which is as characteristic as it is significant. The conclusion of the treaty of alliance of the 2d of December between Austria and the Western Powers was officially communicated to the Cabinet of Berlin in the evening of the 16th ultimo. The day after, our Court cele- brated at Potsdam the fete of the Emperor Nicholas by a grand banquet, to which were 'commanded' the most zealous partisans of Russia. Such of the Prussian generals as are proprietors of Russian regiments put on the - Russian uniform for the occasion. Such a demonstration at the very mo- ment at which Prussia received the invitation to join the alliance of Austria, France, and England, to combat Russia, plainly shows the true sentiments which dominate in our higher spheres. During the last seven months, the Cabinets of Berlin and Vienna have done nothing except to exchange de- spatch on despatch, in order to come to an understanding as to the obliga- tions which Prussia contracted in signing with Austria the treaty of the 20th of April. The Vienna Cabinet hoped that the additional article of the 26th of November last had put an end to this contro- versy; and it was under such a belief that it invited Prussia to mobilize the first contingent of 100,000 men, which she promised. Now, everything has to be recommenced, Since our Government pretends that Russia will not attack Austria if the latter will remain on the defensive; and that, consequently, there is no danger for the Austrian possessions, which the treaty of the 20th of April has for its sole object to preserve from a Russian invasion. Itis really curious to see with what impudence our Ministerial press supports this argumentation, which, if it were to prevail, would render the treaty of the 2d December illusory. . . . . Whatever may be the choice which will be made, [of a successor to Count Arnim at Vienna,] it will in no respect change the sy stem adopted by our diplomacy. Flattering itself that it is more able than others, that diplomacy thinks itself very clever in giving the great Powers fine phrases instead of war subsidies. Educated in the glorification of the power of the Czar, it firmly believes that Austria will be powerless to support the terrible shock of the Muscovite armies ; that then Prussia, whose strength will not have been diminished by the sacrifices which the other great Powers have had to support since the conflict with Russia broke out, can enter the lists, armed from top to toe, and become, on better terms than by subscribing to the treaty of the 25 of December, the arbiter of peace. Who lives will see ; but may our Govern- ment not compromise for ever, at this dangerous genie, the destinies of our country!"

The most likely-looking accounts of the numbers and position of the Austrian army place 52,000 men at Cracow, 42,000 at Lemberg, 100,000 in the Bukowina, 130,000 in Transylvania, and 50,000 in the Principal-. ities. The main strength of the Russian army in Poland lies in the triangle formed by the right bank of the Vistula between Wilna, Grodno, and Warsaw; while a second army seems to be in process of formation in Podolia.

ITALY.—The chieritem of news, yesterday made public, is the ad- hesion of Sardinia to the alliance of the Western Powers. This im- portant step is taken in virtue of the fifth article of the convention be- tween her Majesty and the Emperor of the French, signed at London on , the 10th of April 1854. The fifth article runs as follows— "Their Majesties the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and the Emperor of the French will readily admit into their alliance, in order to cooperate for the proposed object, such of the other Powers of Europe as may be desirous of becoming parties to it."

The Sardinian Government has added its signature to this protocol. At the same time, we learn that General Dabormida has resigned, and that Count Cavour has accepted the office of Minister for Foreign Affairs.

The comprehensive bill for the suppression of convents and monasteries, now before the Piedmontese Chamber, abolishes all monastical establish- ments, and declares that they cannot be reconstituted. The only ex- ceptions era the Sisters of Charity and those orders specially destined for hospital service or public instruction ; they are placed under civil author- ity, and a registration of every inmate is to be enforced. Also, all sine- cure chapters and benefices are abolished. The funds derived from these suppressions are to be applied in payment of pensions to monks and nuns of the suppressed establishments ; next towards the increase of the sala- ries of badly-paid incumbents; and then to other church matters. By the same bill also, taxes are laid upon church property, in the shape of an income-tax.

Upon abbacies, canonical and simple benefices, sanctuaries,. 8cc., 6 per cent upon incomes not exceeding 5000 francs; 12 per cent upon incomes not ex-

ceeding 10,000 francs and 20 per cent upon larger incomes. Parochial benefices exceeding 2000 francs income in the same proportion. Ecclesias- tical seminaries whose incomes exceed 10,000 francs but do not exceed 15,000 francs 6 per cent ; not exceeding 25,000 francs, 10 per cent; beyond that income, 16 per cent. Archbishoprics and bishoprics, one third of their in- come, exceeding 18,000 francs for the former, or 12,000 francs for the latter.

The progress of this bill stood adjourned to the 8th instant. It has naturally excited a profound sensation; and it would seem that no efforts are spared by the clerical party to upset it. The French force in Rome is not to be reduced below 3000, and that at Civita Vecchia below 500. The Cardinal Antonelli, through the French Ambassador, warmly thanks the Emperor for this "benevolent deci- sion"; adding, that the Pope looks upon it as "a new proof of special devotion which France wished to add to the many illustrious and worthy acts which have so justly made her deserve so well of the Church, espe- cially of late."

The King of Naples has celebrated the proclamation of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception in various ways. He has placed the army under the care of the Immaculate Conception ; and he has organized festivals in honour of the Madonna. One of these occurred last week. The streets and back-alums of the city were cleaned, and all the place put on an air of decency ; for the King intended to assist in a procession. A correspondent of the Daily News gives an amusing account of it'— "The Cardinal, Bishops, and clergy led the van; then came the gigantic doll-like image of the Madonna, followed immediately behind by his Ma- jesty, supported by generals on either side. The Hereditary Prince, sup- ported by his two uncles, then followed ; the younger sons of the King succeeded ; then came a line of royal carriages, and the whole was closed by cavalry and a train of artillery. In this way the procession made the round of Old Naples, returning, after four hours walking, to the spot from which they bad started. Her Majesty and a large assemblage of the Court were at the windows of the palace, and all Naples was out to witness this distinguished act of royal devotion. His Majesty was so much overcome by his feeling; that he was frequently seen to wipe away the tears which rolled down his pious cheeks. Would that but one tear had fallen for Poerio, and hundreds of others, who at this hospitable season are pining within dungeon walls. What is the meaning of all this ?' I asked of a sharp-looking man, who had been a curious spectator. Why, sir,' was the reply, two religions had a ' lite ' with the Pope as to whether the Madonna was immaculate or not; and now his Holinesshas decided that all religions' are to believe in

immaculate mmaculate conception.' "

THE CRIMEA,—The accounts from the seat of war consist of despatches from Lord Raglan, the usual letters, and brief despatches from Prince Menschikoff, stating that nothing important had occurred down to the 2d January. The position of our armies was at the latest date,—December

considerably better than it had been for some time. Numerically much stronger, in spite of the great sickness, the Allies had been able, by im- mense exertions; to haul the great guns and mortars up to the parks, to mount some, and prepare for mounting others. The batteries formed al- most a half-circle round the South side of the town, stretching nearly from Sebastopol Bay on the British right to the Quarantine Bay on the French left. The number of cannon in the lines is variously estimated at 300 and 450; and the only serious obstacle with which the Allies had to contend was the carriage of munitions of war and of provisions. But the chief change in the position of the war, is the establishment of a strong force at Eupatoria. Upwards of 10,000 Turks and a body of French had landed there before Christmas Day. Omar Pasha, accompanied by Colonel Dieu and Colonel Simmons, had departed from Varna to join them, after an interview with Lord Raglan and General Canrobert to concert operations. By the exertions of the French and English land and sea forces, Eupatoria had been fortified very strongly. The Henri Quatre, thrown ashore in the great storm of November, stands broadside on the shore South of the town and protects that side. To the North are redoubts; and on the North-east the salt lakes and marshes form an admirable flank defence. A force at Eupatoria is on the flank of the Russian main line of commu- nications, which run through Simpheropol some thirty miles distant. It is believed that in consequence of the occupation of Eupatoria in force, *Menscliikoff has called in his detachments, including Liprandi's divisions from the Tchernaya, and has taken a position to the Northward with a portion of his army, some say on the Alma. The Russians expect the Third Corps and the reserve of the Fourth ; and their friends in Germany say they will do nothing until these come up. It is remarked that the Russian men-of-war in the harbour are now all destitute of guns except two : the guns have been taken to arm the defences.

The British army has now fed for so long a time on salt provisions, often devoured raw, that the scurvy, long expected, had made its appear- ance at the last dates.

A batch of letters from the camp arrived this week ; extending to the 23d December. They are sprinkled with complaints and descriptions of the mud and rain, and the sickness. But they are not so angry in tone as some of the letters of an earlier date; and a great improvement had evidently taken place in the condition of the army. In the absence of the "special correspondent" of the Times, he of the Morning Herald appears to have assumed the rffie of the former, whom he emulates in bitter complaints of the "utter indifference which the majority of our Generals show whether their men are well or ill, alive or dead."

"Every regimental officer," he says, "repeats almost the same remarks ; and first and foremost among the Generals thus spoken of is the Commander- in-chief, Lord Raglan. The complaint is that he is never seen—never quits his house—never makes his presence known to the troops, except by occa- sionally issuing a general order. He does not know what the troops suffer, for he takes care not to witness it. They are hungry, cold, and miserable— yet not once has he ever been among them to show himself or to utter a few cheering words, the recollection of which would for many a day lighten the men's hearts, by showing that they were not totally forgotten by their leaders, whose names they have made illustrious. If there is one officer out here more ignorant than any other of the feelings, the real wants and suf- ferings of the army, that one is Lord Raglan : and this ignorance can be his only excuse for the cold, the almost studied neglect, with which all ranks, except those on his immediate staff, are treated. At the smallest possible discomfort to himself, Lord Raglan might have become one of the most popular commanders that ever lived. Everything was in his favour, and at first he was liked in spite of himself• but now the opportunity has passed; and I will venture to say, that of all the recollections of bitter hardships which will survive this campaign, none will be more bitter or more endur- ing than the memory of the utter coldness and neglect with which Lord Raglan has treated the troops."

Thus far the Crimean writer for the London Herald, in language cu- riously coincident with that of the Times some weeks ago. In the mean time, it happens now and then that some piece of unexpected evidence turns up to shake the credit of these charges of " the utter coldness and neglect ' with which Lord Raglan treats the troops. The following ge- neral order is an authentic document of that kind.

"It having been represented to the Commander of the Forties, that the 297 sick and wounded on board the steam-ship Avon, under orders to pro- ceed to Scutari, had not received that care and attention to which they were entitled, the Commander of the Forces directed a Court of Inquiry to meet on board that ship on Saturday the 25 December. "The Court, of -ahich Colonel Cameron, of the 425 Highlanders, was president, after making a personal inspection of the ship, and receiving evi- dence, has made its report to the Commander of the Forces. The report takes notice of several deficiencies which, in the opinion of the Court, might,

with due have been remedied. The report particularly draws the at- tention of the Commander of the Forces to the want of a sufficient number of medical men and hospital attendants for the service of the sick and wounded on board. The report further states, that this deficiency of medical men and attendants was known to Dr. Lawson, the principal medical officer at Balak- lava, but that he took no steps to have it supplied.

" In this opinion, after a careful perusal of the evidence, the Commander of the Forces fully concurs. Lord Raglan has seen with pain and sorrow the apathy and want of interest which Dr. Lawson exhibited, as appears by the evidence, with respect both to the due care and the sufficient supply of what was requisite for the comfort and well-doing of the suffering men who were to be placed on board the Avon ; and he is compelled to visit such conduct with the severest censure. The Ins ector-General of Hospitals will /

take immediate steps to relieve Dr. Lawson from his present charge. "The Conanzander of the Forces is unable to exonerate Dr. Hall, the In- spector-General of Hospitals, from all blame in this ,natter; as it was his duty, either by personal inspection, or by the reports of his subordinates, to have ascertained that the ship was furnished with everything necessary for the comfort of the many sick and wounded on board, which the public ser- vice could by any possibility afford." An officer in the Guards writes to a military friend at home as fol- lows— " The army are perfectly furious with the exaggerations and misrepre- sentations of the Times. Don't believe what it says; for all is false. I and a good many men aro home-rick; but we don't want to come away. We would none of us do anything but remain here till we have beaten the Russians. The Times correspondent has been sent off with a flea in his ear for insolence to Lord Raglan. I met him the other day, and told him we were all glad of it, and that he ought to be ashamed of himself."

The Honiteur de l'Armee publishes an extract from a letter dated the 19th December- " Lord Raglan came this morning to our head-quarters. He is a good rider, and does not appear to feel the want of the arm which he left at Wa- terloo. He looks well, has a good colour, with a beard a little grey. He came without any ceremony, wearing a cap covered with oilskin. The Eng- lish are the most free and easy men we know. Earlier in the month, December 7, a private soldier writes that he saw Lord Raglan ride up "Shell Hill," looking well, and dressed in the same fashion as described in the Frenchman's letter.

But let us hear what the correspondent of the Horning Herald has to report of the long-expected winter clothing.

"Apropos of climate and wintering here, I may mention that what is called by courtesy the 'winter clothing,' has arrived. Now if the authori- ties at home meant to send no winter clothes, they should have said nothing about it, and our poor fellows would have managed without, as they have managed without proper food, medical comforts, and, indeed, without every- thing which a soldier has a right to expect in a dangerous and severe cam- paign. But for the last month every one has been looking forward to the winter clothing, and the comfortable change which its long-deferred arrival would produce. Now, however, it has come—been ialistributed—and all our hopes are over. I can hardly think that the authorities at home sent out the things by way of a joke ; yet they never could have sent them in the serious expectation that they would keep the men warm. Each soldier has been supplied with one flannel Guernsey shirt, one pair of gloves, two pair of socks, and one woollen comforter. Now I am aware that these things look well when only written down; but the articles must be 'seen to be appreciated.' In the first place, the flannel shirt is about the thickness of an ordinary silk pocket-handkerchief, and will wear about ten days or a fort- night. When it is gone, Ow% . have had their 'winter clothing,' and must do without the littl . it afforded as they best CAE. The same remarks apply to the socks. Tl gloves are good if they would only last ; but for the work our men have tucy require at least five or six pair for the whole winter. But the crowning absurdity is the 'comforter' I It is a strip of very fine gaudily-coloured wool, about two inches wide and three feet long, about the size of an ordinary brace. Literally it would not make a decent neck-tie for a child. It is useless for the authorities at home to try and contradict what I have now asserted, I have many of these articles in my possession, and as specimens of 'winter clothing' for a campaign they are certainly the greatest curiosities I have seen in the Crimea. The officers laugh at the things, and ask, is this really the supply about which so much fuss was made in England, and for sending which the home authorities got such praise ? The men look on them with perfect contempt and disgust, and willingly exchange their whole stock of 'winter clothing' for one com- fortable bread-bag."

[From the London Gazette, Jan. 0.]

Lord Raglan to the Duke of Newcastle.

" Before Sebastopol, Dec. 18.

"My Lord Duke—Nothing has occurred since I had the honour to ad- dress your Grace on the 13th instant. The weather, which was then fine, changed on the following afternoon ; and from that time to the evening of the 160, it hardly ceased either to rain, hail, or snow. The night of the 16th was particularly severe ; but it cleared up yesterday, and today it is again dry. The bad days above-mentioned have, however, rendered the communications more difficult, and materially retarded the movement of supplies and stores.

"The Eighty-ninth and Seventeenth Regiments have arrived from Gib- raltar, and will take their place in the Third and Fourth Divisions this day.

"A considerable portion of the warm clothing has been received, and is in course of issue; and the men are most grateful to her Majesty's Govern- ment for having provided for them what conduces so essentially to their comfort. "I have the honour to transmit returns of the casualties between the lltla and 16th.

"I have, &c. RAGLAN. "His Grace the Duke of Newcastle, &c."

"Before Sebastopol, December 23, 1834.

"My Lord Duke—A great deal of rain has fallen in the last forty-eight hours, and the weather has again become very inclement.

"The only occurrence in the siege operations has been .a sortie made by the enemy on both our right and left attack,-duting-the night of-the 20th, the one being conducted silently, the other with drums beating, and shout- ing • the brat being probabIrthe real object of the 'advance, AB nearer to the Inkerman heights.

"Owing to the extreme darkness of the-night, the enemy were enabled to come very near the right attack -without being perceived, and having made a sudden rush upon the most forward parallel, they compelled the men occupying it to withdraw, until reinforced by a party under Major Webfoot], of the Ninety-seventh Regiment, when it was regained possession of, and the Russians retired, not, however, without occasioning some loos in both killed, wounded, and missing, Lieutenant Byron, of the Thirty-fourth .Regiment, being amongst the latter.

'On the left attack, the enemy were met-with great gallantry -by Lieu- tenant Gordon, of the Thirty-eighth Regiment, who, when -supported by the covering-party of the trenches, under,Lieutenant-Colonel Waddy, of the Fiftieth, succeeded in at- once driving them back. But here too, .1 regret to eays.the loss was still more severe. Major Moller, of the Fiftiethaell mar- :tally wounded, and, .I am concerned to add, is since dead, and Captain Frampton and Lieutenant Clarke, both of the Fiftieth Regiment, are missing. Air Richard Ragland speaks in,high terms of the gallantry.and vigilance of these troops, and of the distinguished conduct of Lieutemint-Colonel Waddy. "1 enclose the return of casualties to the 20th inclusive.

"Two regiments of French cavalry, under General D'Allonville, made a reconnaissance on the 20th, towards the ground recently occupied -by the ,eisemy in front of Baleklava, while the Forty-second Regiment, a detach- ment of the Rifle Brigade under Colonel Cameron, Forty-second Regiment, and-a battalion of Zouaves, made a corresponding movement on the,extreme -right. The latter saw only a picket of Cossacks, which retired upon their approach ; the former exchanged shots with the enemy, and aseertained that _they had scarcely any troops on the left bank of the Tehernaya. "I have, &c. II/sate-sr."

"Before Lbastoiml, December 26, 1851.

"My Lord Duke—I-have nothing to report to your Grace today. "The rain which prevailed on Saturday was succeeded by snow on Sunday, and it Was almost the worst day I ever saw. At night it troze, and the frost has continued ever since, without being severe ; but it has not as yet tended to dry the ground, still in a lamentable state.

" Every effort is making that the state of the roads will permit to bring up ammunition and the materials of siege, and General Canrobert lainthis reepect affording us every possible assistance. " The garrison keeps up a heavy fire upon our trenches, particularly at night, and your Grace will regret to see by the returns which I enclose, that we daily sustain some casualties.

"I have, &c. RAGLAN."

[From the London Gazette, Jan. 12.]

Lord Raglan to the Duke of Newcastle.

" Before Sebastopol, Dec. 30, 1854.

si'MysLord,Duke—Since I wrote to your Grace on the 26th the weather ;has been somewhat more,propitious, but the state of the ground is hardly more satisfactory. "The Eighteenth Regiment has arrived ; and'I.have likewise the honour to inform you that we are daily receiving vast supplies of ammunition, warm clothing, and huts for the army. The utmost efforts will be made -to dis- embark all those stores; but the difficulty of effecting this desirable object is very great, owing to the-very limited extent of the harbour, its crowded state, end, thessaeross entrance-to the town, and -want of space on the beach, the rocks on the North side riaing_directlso out of the water, and_therebeing, consequently, no accummodation but on -one side.

." The :Russians continue to withdraw from the valley of the Tchernaya ; whilst they have constructed -defensive works on the heights above, which would,imply a difficulty of maintaining their troupe inthesield.

-"LA:reconnaissance was sent out this morning by General Canrobert to- wards the river, in ccOperation -with a portion of MajorsGeneral Sir Colin Campbell's force on the extreme right of Balakkivii the result of which is not -yet known. "I enclose a list of,casualties from the 25th to-the 28th.

"I have, &c. RAGLAN." Casualties from-the'llth.to 10th December inelusive. lit Royals-1-rank and file killed ; 1-sergeant, 1 -rank and file, wounded -4th Regiment of-Foot-1 rank and file killed. 19th Regiment-2 rank and file wounded. 20th Regiment-1 -rank and file wounded. 21st Regiment- 1 rank and file killed ; 1 sergeant, 1 rank and file, wounded. 28th Regio nient-2 rank and file wounded. 60th Regiment-2 rank and file wounded. -57th Regiment-2 rank and file killed ; 7 rank and file wounded. 68th Re- giment-3 rank and file wounded. 1st Battalion Rifle Brigade-2 rank and file wounded. Total-6 rank and file killed; 2 sergeants, 21 rank and file, wounded.

Casualties from the 17th to 20th -December.

7th Regiment of Toot-1 rank and file wounded. 19th Regiment-1 rank and file missing. 23d Regiment-1 rank and -'file killed ; 7 rank and file wounded ; 9 rank and file missing. 33d Regiment-2 rank and file killed; 4 rank and file wounded ; 2 rack and file missing. 34th Regiment-2 rank and -file killed ; 1 sergeant, 4 rank and file, wounded; 1 officer missing. 38th Regiment-1 rank and filedtilled ; 4 rank and file wounded. 44th Re- giment-1 rank and file wounded. 46th Regiment-1 rank and file killed. 6ethRegiment-2 sergeants, 12 rank and file, killed ; 1 officer, 18 rank and file, wounded ; 2 officers, -8 rank and file, mining. 55th Regiment-1 rank and file wounded. 626 Regiment-1 rank and file killed. 63d Regiment- 1 -rank and file wounded. 68th Regiment-1 rank and file wounded ; I rank and file missing. 97th Regiment-1 rank and file killed. 1st Batta- lion Rifle Brigade-2 rank and file killed ; 1 rank and file wounded. Total —2 sergeants, 23 rank and file, killed ; 1 officer, -1 sergeant, 43 rank and Ile, wounded; 3 officers, 21 rank and file, missing.

Casualties from the 21st to 24th December.

20th Regiment-3 rank and file wounded. 23d Regiment-4 rank and file -nuabing. 28th Regiment-1 rank and file wounded. 38th Regiment-2 rankand -file wounded. .46th-Regiment--1 sergeant wounded. 49th Regi- ment--1 rank and file killed. 55th Regiment-2 rank and flle'killed. 57th Regiment-5 rank and-file killed ; 2 rank and file wounded. 89th'Regi- ment--2 rank and-file wounded. 1st Battalion Rifle Brigade-2 rank and „file wounded. Total-8 rank and fuo, killed; 1 sergeant, 12 rank and file, wounded; '1 rank and file missing.

_Casualties from the 25th to 28th December. 20th Regiment of Foot-1 rank and file killed ; 2 rank and file wounded. 41stReginsent-1 rank and file wounded. 44th Regiment-1 rank and'file wounded. 55th Regimentl. rank and file killed ; 1 rank and file wounded. 57th Regiment-1 sergeant, 1 rank and file, missing. Lit Battalion' ,Rifle Brigade-2 rank and file wounded. Sappers and Miners--1 rank and file wounded. Total-2 rank and file killed ; 8 rank and file wounded ; 1 ser- geant, 1 rank and file, missing.

Attasts.—The .Tourrial of St. Petersburg is indignant at the conduct Of • " the ,AngloFrench ,press, and even the Parliament," in charging the antigen troops with.nturderiug wounded men on the field of battle. .But

while the roproach is _cast back, it is candidly said, ".we shall certainly not _attempt to justify some isolated cases that may perhaps have occurred." For these l'isolated cues" an excuse is found—" in the conduct of the allies " of the enemy of Christianity, and in the-fact that the Russian soldiers are defending their-own hearths. " Besides, why should we not .bear in mind .the conduct of our enemies" doming the battle " on the 24th," (5th November ?) when the Zouaves, " who could not -resist the shocked our bayonets," pretended to be wounded, suffered the Russians to pass, and then—" fired at their legs."

'Mavrocordato, at present the temporary -Minister Of the Interior, has issued a,circular to the Prefects on the state of the country. In its-foreign relations, " neutrality, strict neutrality," is the duty and the watchword of-the Government. In its domestic concerns, he sums up his advice in -four. words : "encourage labour," and " govern welt.' He urges the-authorities to-pay the attention to the salubrity of the towns and villages under their charge ; to assist the Executive in -furthering education, the only sound basis of the social edifice; and to do their utmost to develop the material interests of the country. Finally, he exhorts.them, for the honour of the Greek name, to clear their de- partments oft brigands,—making success in that duty the test of capacity for civil government.

UNITRO STATES.—TheTacific arrived at Liverpool on Tuesday, bring- ing advices from New-York to the 27th December.

The Committee of Foreign Affairs in thellouse Of Representatives had agreed to a .resolution requesting the President to tender to the Powers engaged in the present-war-the mediation of the lJnited.States, in-such a manner as in his judgment may seem mostlikely to lead to a pacification. Mr. Chase, a:Senator' had stated iris. intention to bring in a hill to abo- lish African slavery -in all the territories belonging-teethe United States.

NEW ZEALAND.—A letter, from which an -extract follows, written by a gentleman at Wellington, contains a more intelligent view of the late Government fiasco at Auckland than any other account we have-seen- " There is no doubt that the crisis is owing-mainlytoFitzgerald and .04's error, in accepting office before Swainson-and Co. had been finally and un- mistakeably got rid of. It was It fatal error of judgment, the consequences of which we here all foresaw the moment it was announced. When the reso- lution affirming responsible government was carried by the overwhelming majority of 29 to I, -Fitzgerald and Co. could have made what terms they liked with-Wynyard ; and there is no doubt that had they firmly insiated.on the vacation of office by Swainson and Co., Wynyatd must and would,haies yielded. Re had-no-one to support-him except those three, of-whom Swain- son is-the only one. of-the 'least ability, and he oflittle ; andthere is no doubt _whatever that if firmness had been exercised he would have given way. Fitzgerald's course then would have been, to pass a temporary estimate and waste lands bill, and adjourn for six months. During that period he could have formed a Ministry and-settled a policy, after conference with the best men all -over.the colony, -which owing to circumstances the General Assembly does not contain ;_and thun reinforced, he might have established sucha firm ,government as mould not have been shaken foryears. Instead of .this,..he ac- tepts office on the undignified and unsatisfactory footing referred to ; hikes only orie.week—and thatat Auckland, and without consulting any one but his two-colleagues—to inairgurate.aspolicy, and goes down to the Rouse with a pile of bills-which 'it would take three months to pass. Discussion on them, and general-reflection, coupled with 'Wakefield's wrath and Auckland local polities, generate an opposition ; so that, when the crisis occurs, instead of a -minority of 1, there is a-minority of -8 to support 1Vynyard, and inspire Swainson and Co. with a courage which .at ,first was quite knocked out-of them.

" Wakefield's,ganse 'is the result of intense disappointment at both.hint- self and son being _left out of Fitzgerald's ministerial arrangements. The fact is, he has ever aincethe hour of his arrival in New Zealand acted so un- scrupulous apart that nobody will treat him in political matters ; andle was-no-doubt necessarily-left out. But his anger-was excessive ; and he has tince-been-strainingevery.nerve to upset Fitzgerald's -Ministry, and to form 'himself a party - whichhe haspochance of doing except amongst the Auck- land-people, whom he is ready to buy at any price—seat of government, -Compinrys debt, and whatever else-they may demand. Wynyard, whois a verssvain, weak, and ignorant Colonel of .a marching regiment, seems to have been mesmerized by him, and to have placed himself entirely at his disposal ; Wakefielddiaving, I hear, inadeit_an-expreas condition that he should.con- suit no one b t " I.eincerely.hope that a new governor fit :for the office is already ,on the way out. You know what sort of Governors officers of marching regimeots make—redolent of drum-head courts-martial and billiard-rooms, and utterly -ignorant of every political principle. What could be -hoped 'from leaving . the ticklish duty of 'inaugurating self-government -in sueh a colony as this to a man of that class, surrounded by the debris of-the old regime, and having all his sympathies with them.? Surely Grey swill not be permitted to escape fromall this. The responsibility is solely his. It was his business to have called the General Assembly together as early as ponible after the arrivalsof 'the Constitution Actin _the colony : his reason for not doing so is now ap- parent in the labours of the Finance Committee, to say nothiug of numerous other old scores which.he would have had to_settle. In iihott, be bolted, As truly as ever uncertificated bankrupt from his creditors. " When this point of responsible government is finally settled, Lexpect-we shall have.a contest =wig ourselves, and perhaps a prolonged one; on the question cif -Centralization versus Provincialism. Ity own conviction,is, that we-need a very slight federal bond ; -and that the extreme localization of our legislative and administrative powers will insure the -most .napid -progress forthe.colony. But whatever be decided, tholimits of the central government, whether wide or narrow, ought to be defined."