13 JANUARY 1866, Page 1


MR. GOSCHEN has, we believe, been admitted into the Cabinet. There is apparently some hitch or obstacle of etiquette to a formal acknowledgment of the fact, but still he has in some sufficient manner been offered and has accepted the Duchy of Lancaster. The appointment has been received everywhere with pleasure, not only because Mr. Goschen will make an excellent minister and admirable support to Mr. Gladstone, but because it shows that the regime of the " sages" is at last drawing to a close. Why, with a Cabinet Minister under thirty-five, we may hope one day to see a general under sixty, or an admiral who could, if his life were at stajte, reach the mast-head ! If Earl Russell, reinvigorated by this escapade, will only find courage to expel an imbecility or two and import a utility or two, his Government may yet be remembered in history like the Government of 1832. As it is he is still working Lord Palmerston's Government without Lord Palmerston, and with Lord Stanley silently summing up the chances of his reversion.