13 JANUARY 1917, Page 10


(To THE EDITOR Or THE " SPECTATOR."1 Sin,—Every facility for saving is now so valuable that I desire to draw attention to the system of Collecting Saving Banks, by which the pennies of the poorer people are collected by visitors and banked for national use. In London alone £21,000 was obtained and invested in this way during 1915. In country districts my information is not so complete; but I know of thirty-one banks which collected 416,904 during that year from 18,442 depositors. A good proportion of this amount was not withdrawn at Christmas, but was transferred to a Post Office or Trustee Savings Bank under Government security. The move- ment reaches many whom the excellent work of the National War Savings Committees does not affect. The Charity Organiza- tion Society is so convinced of its value that it is prepared to help by advice and by the supply of forms of rules, books, &c., persons interested in the formation and management of such Collecting Savings Banks; and it desires in return to be brought into touch with any that may be known to your readers.—I am, Sir, &c., J. C. PRINGLE, Secretary. Charity Organization Society, Denison House, Vauxhall Bridge Road, S.W.

[Those who wish for more information on this subject should communicate direct with the writer as above, and not with us.— ED. Spectator.]