13 JANUARY 1917, Page 12


[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR."3 Sie,—For our own encouragement, may I borrow from America's " good grey poet " the following quotation as a reply to President Wilson?— " We were able first and alone " The fight must be to a finish

to declare our readiness for peace . . . to a knock-out."

negotiations." —Mr. LLOYD GEORGE. —The Grnaws Caasceiton.

" The other asks if we demand quarter?

If our colours are struck and the fighting done?

Now I laugh content, for I hear the voice of my little captain. We have not struck,' he composedly cries; we have just begun our part of the fighting.' . . .

Toward twelve, there in the beams of the moon, they surrender to us." —WALT Wenn/a, " Paul Jones's Fight."