13 JANUARY 1917, Page 3

That mighty hunter, Captain Frederick Courteney Scions, has, to our

deep regret, been killed in action in Fast Africa. He was nearly sixty-five. At the age cf sixty-three he took a oommission in the Royal Fusiliers and went out to Africa to hunt the Germans with the same keenness and vigour that he had shown in hunting elephants forty years before, and in promoting the colonization of Rhodesia. Ho stood the climate better than any of his young comrades, got his captaincy, and won the D.S.O. before the fatal shot ended his wonderful career. Sir Rider Haggard portrayed him as the Allan Quatermain of King Solonion,'.9 Mines, but his own books give a finer idea of his sanguine temperament and his genuine love of wild Nature. His friends knew that he was prepared to die cn the field provided that he could fast contribute to the defeat of the enemy, and he has had his wish. Long may his memory flourish!