13 JANUARY 1956, Page 30


ACROSS 1 Transposition for the most superior of field-marshals, evidently (10).

6 I twice got the bird! (4) 10 They sheltered Swinburne and inspired Respighi (5).

11 Bled at war, did he? (9) 12 They've had a birthday celebration (9).

13 'Ah, but a man's — should exceed his grasp' (5).

14 So one had really better stay in bed! (2, 2, 2, 4) 16 The golfer's river (4).

18 It takes an age if you supply your own drink (4).

20 Morbidezza displays these (5-5).

23 Surge unrestrainedly (5).

24 So a buster might appear in hiding (9).

27 Slow progress to felony (9).

28 The man of the screen (5).

29 Don't change one word of it! (4) 30 Items in the Big Bad Wolf's wardrobe? (10) DOWN 1 'How — is he born and taught That serveth not another's will' (Wotton) (5).

2 A hanging matter (7).

3 Red heather, softly whispering (8).

4 The first British martyr (5).

5 Galoshes and how they should be worn (9).

7 Lady campanologist? Not quite, the old hag! (7) 8 No doubt an intake of ozone expands them (3-6).

9 Draws up the grass (5).

14 Is this what the divorce court does? (9) 15 Literary craftsman (9). 17 Hiring-fairs are legal (8).

19 Appropriate opening music for the jumble sale (7).

21 Argonauts of the Mediterranean (7).

22 How Blake used his hollow reed, some- what shaky! (5)

25 A feature of The Ghost Train, presum- ably (5).

26 This man is often something of a numismatist (5).

Two prizes will be awarded: a copy of the De Luxe edition of Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary and * book token for one guinea. They will be awarded to the senders of the list two correct solutions opened after noon on January 24 and addressed: Crossword No. $69, 99 GOwer St., London, WC1

Chatnbers's Twentieth Century Dictionary, New Version, Is recommended for Crosswords.