13 JANUARY 1961, Page 13


SIR,—May we appeal to your. readers on 'behalf of the hundreds and thousands of Africans who, through no fault of their own, are now experiencing starva- tion in the Congo? Unless more help is forthcoming, the New Year will bring them only suffering and death. Already, deaths are occurring at the rate of 200 a day.

The Oxford Committee for Famine Relief has sent 10,000 to the UN and Red Cross workers on the spot, but the Committee is only a channel for public generosity and we must look to the British people to provide the additional funds so urgently needed to buy food and get it distributed effectively. Donations marked 'Congo Relief' will be used immediately for this purpose and may be sent to Oxfam, 17 Broad Street, Oxford.—Yours faithfully,

WILLIAM flAVITR T. R. MILFORD Chairman Oxford Committee for Famine Relief,

17 Broad Street, OA ford