13 JANUARY 1979, Page 23


THE ALLAH HACKBURIES', J.M. Barrie; 'A Designer's Trade' Gordon Russell. Alan Hollingsworth, 3 Llanvair Close, South Ascot, Berks.

CAROLINE by Oliver Hill and John Comforth, Hamlyn 1966. AJ, 52, Bedford Square, WC1.

TROLLOPE: Any out of print novels or collections short stories. Clean copies. Fair price paid. For reading! Box. 849. MARDER A.J. "From Dreadnought to Scapa Flow" Encounter No 1 and any later runs or odds. Horizon Nos 1,5, 12,15-18 incl. B. Skelly 24, Cloudesley Square, London Ni 'RIFLE AND ROMANCE IN THE INDIAN JUNGLE' by Col. A.I.R. Glasfurd Miss M.B. Stiff, 44 Crescent Road, Burgess Hill. Sussex RH1F BEG.

GEORG SIMNEL. Sociologie and/or Philosophie Des Geldes (in german) D.B. Johnson, Peterhouse, Cambridge. FRANK EYRE'S British Children's books in the twentieth century. Box No. 853,