13 JANUARY 2007, Page 21

No Olympic mosque

From Marlyn Hurst Sir: I enjoyed Irfan al-Alawi and Stephen Schwartz's article on the proposed new mosque for London (Ken's mega-mosque will encourage extremism', 6 January). After Britain has happily been a Christian-based society for a thousand years, I am appalled that in less than a generation such faith and tradition can be trampled on in the cause of 'pluralism' and a 'multi-cultural society'. Imagine the outcry if a Christian group attempted to push through a vast new cathedral in Jeddah, Kabul, Islamabad or Baghdad. (Not that that would happen, of course; we Christians are penniless at best, and tightfisted to boot.) But the very thought of even giving consideration to such a prospect as this vast mosque, adjacent to what is destined to be a pinnacle of British hope and optimism, our London Olympic stadium, makes me shudder. Thank you, Irfan al-Alawi and Stephen Schwartz, and The Spectator, for bringing it to our attention. Now let's make sure we stop it happening.

Marlyn Hurst Vale of Glamorgan