13 JULY 1839, Page 11



Tine only eimumstaiwe of import aitee that has occurred during the week has been the sale by the Bank Broker on Monday of 60,000/. Excliepter Bills. The premium upon these securities, which was has since been• as low as 20s. ; and the market has been heavy daring the %Vim'', week ; for though the price once rallied to 2fis., it soon fell e1,, sgain I.) 20s., and has to-day been as low as 19s. A decline of nearly 1 per is nt. leis occurred to-day in the price of Long Annuities. The market for this Stock lad Isocti firm fin. some (lays, and the price hail reached business Laving bccu (11)11C at that quota tiun this morning : a large sale by the Bank Broker caused a depression to the extent alluded to, and the stork has fallen to it 5-10.

The meeting of the Bank Direetors yesterday gave rise to the usual reports of an increase of the rate of discount, hat these anticipations were not realized. A very seasonable addition to this attenuated amount of bullion now in the country has been wade by the arrival from South America of 1,2110,000 dol- lars; and it is believed that this occurrence induced flu! Bank Directors to continue discounting at the present rate. No doubt is entertained that the shipment of bullion from Mexico, so long interrupted by the French blockade, will soon pour into this country large quantities of the precious metals. The English Securities still continue firm, and prices of all sorts are rather higher than last week ; but the business transacted has been unimportant. Bank Stock is firm, being quoted at 1914 and 1924 ; and India has been done at 2514 ex dividend, which is equivalent to a previous quotation of 257. In the Foreign Market, the business has been chiefly confined to Portu- guese Securities ; which at one time receded 1 per cent. from the prices of last week, but speedily recovered their last ground, and are to-day rather above our last prices. Spanish Stock has been heavy at 19 and 184, but is to-day rather firmer. There has not been any material fluctuation or business of import- ance in the Northern European or South American Stocks, or in the Railway Shares.


There has been considerably more business this morning than is usual on Saturday, but prices have not varied materially. Long Annuities have fallen, and are 14i, being 1-16 lower than yesterday. The sale of these Securities made by the Bank was very extensive, being to the amount of 10,6001. per annum, which, at the price, 1-1k, is equal to a capital of 151,0501. Very little is doing in the Foreign Market, and prices generally are the same as yesterday,

77i 8 75t 641 1 344 21f 11,1 t 181 19 84

44 with very little doing.

3 per Cent. Consols Ditto for Account

3 per Cent. It Aimed.. Now 34 per Cent, Anne

Bank Stock India Stock Ditto Bonds Exchequer Bills

Belgian 5 per Cents.

911 2 Brazilian 5 per Cents 921 4 Ddnish 3 per Cents 921 4 Dutch 21 per Cents 991 i Portuguese Regency 5 per Cts.

1914 Ditto 3 per Coats -- Russian (1822) 5 per Cent— .

t.7 pm. Spanish (1835) 5 per Cent 19 20pm Deferred Stuck 1024 il Passive Ditto