13 JULY 1850, Page 10



The House of Commons last night, on the motion of Lord JOHN Rua- SPILL, went into Committee for the purpose of adopting an address to the Queen praying her Majesty to order the erection of a monument in West- minster Abbey to the memory of Sir Robert Peel. Lord John assumed the anxiety of the House to testify the feelings it had already manifested, in some enduring form. Even in foreign countries there have been remarkable demonstrations that the death of Sir Robert Peel is considered a calamity to other nations as well as to ourselves : he believed it is without precedent that the French Legislative Assembly should enter On their minutes words expressive of sorrow for such a loss. Sir Robert Peel has left special instructions that his funeral should be as private as possible. The course taken in the case of Mr. Percival and Mr. Canning, when some provision was made for the families of man who had distinguish- ed themselves in the public service but whose private means were limited, is not applicable to the present case. There remains to the House, therefore, only the proposal of a public monument. The Queen being anxious to show the sense which her Majesty entertains of the services that have been rendered to the Crown by Sir Robert Peel, directed Lord John to inform Lady Peel that her Majesty desired to bestow on her the same rank that was bestowed on the widow of Mr. Cunning. "I have this day," said Lord John, "received the answer of Lady Peel, which I immediately forwarded to her Majesty. It is, that Lady Peel's own wish is to bear no other name than that by which her husband was known to the world ; and that, besides, a special direction was left by Sir Robert Peel to his family, desiring that no member of his family should, after his death, accept any title as a public reward on account of any services he might be supposed to have rendered to the public. This reply affords, I think, an ad- ditional reason why the House should desire to institute some testimonial of its respect for Sir Robert Peel, and of its sorrow for the calamity which has deprived us of his presence." He would not enter into the question of the public services of Sir Robert Peel, still less discuss the particular measures of which he was the mover ; but rather follow the example of a Commission of which Sir Robert himself was a member, in deciding, though composed of various parties, to erect sta- tues in the New Palace to John Hampden and Lord Falkland, upon the ground that, however different their political views, both manifested in every action that what they had most at heart was the welfare of their country. "Let us pay the tribute now, instead of leaving it to be rendered a century or two hence." Ile proposed to follow the course adopted on the death of Lord Chatham, when Colonel Barre proposed that a national monument should be erected to his memory, and Lord North gave his cordial con- currence. "It is a remarkable circumstance with regard to that debate, that Colonel Barre, who made the proposition, had been himself at one time opposed as strongly as any politician could be to the opinions of Lord Chat- ham. It is another remarkable circumstance which I had from a noble friend of mine, that when Colonel Barre was introduced to Lord Chatham, he made some apology for the severity of the language he had applied to him. Lord Chatham said, he could easily forgive such language; that he him- self had applied the most severe language to the conduct of Sir Robert Wal- t() whom he had been opposed; that he expressed his opinion at the time, and that he was far from resenting any freedom of language which might be used with regard to himself. I think this anecdote of Colonel Barre. the former opponent of Lord Chatham, shows that on an occasion of this land we should all endeavour rather to forget for the time that natural encounter which the great interests of the country require us at other times to enter into; that we should all endeavour to show that we can be proud of a man who has devoted his talents to the service of his country ; und that this is not a time to consider particular opinions or particular measures, but a time when we should endeavour to concur in showing that we participate in the general feeling of deep sorrow and regret." Lord John concluded with a formal motion— That an humble address be presented to her Majesty, praying that her Majesty will give directions that a monument be erected in the Collegiate Church of St. Peter. Westminster, to The memory of the Right Honourable Sir Robert Peel, with an inscription expressive of thepublic sense of so great andirreparable a loss; and assuring her Majesty that this House will make good the expenses attending the

same." - The resolution being put by the Speaker, was met by low cries of " Aye !" from all aides.

The other Parliamentary business was of minor interest. The motion for going into Committee of Supply enabled M. Howe to move as an amendment, that an address be presented to the Crown praying a Com- mission to inquire into the causes of the naval tmd military operations on the coast of Borneo which led to a heavy loss of lives to two tribes called Sarebas and Sakarian. The debate turned much on the personal humane- ness, wisdom, and noble objects of Rajah Brooks; and the amendm,ent was negatived, by 169 to 29. In discussion on. a vote of charges for Prince Edward Island, Mr. HAvres assured Mr. ADDERLEY, who ques- tioned him doubtingly, that the Government has no wish to withhold the promised constitutional government : existing differences cause temporary delay, but theypromise to be speedily and satisfactorily arranged.

New writs were ordered for Devonport, in the room of Sir John Re- millyz appointed to be her Majesty's Attorney-General ; for Southamp- ton, in the room of Mr. Alexander James Edward Cockburn, appointed to be her Majesty's Solicitor-General ; for Tamworth, in the room of the late Sir Robert Peel ; and for Chester, in the room of Sir John Jervis, ap- pointed to be Chief Justice of the Court of Common Pleas. In reply to Mr. Bernie COCHRANE, Lord SEYMOUR stated. that the Queen has directed inquiry as to whether farther accommodation can be given to persons riding in the Parks, without interfering with that given to the other portions of her Majesty's subjects.

In the House of Lords, the principal proceedings were, the passing of the Metropolitan Interment Bill, and the reference of the County Courts Extension Bill to a Select Committee, on the urgent request of Lord BROUGHAM and under his volunteered assurances that the reference is for no sort of Islay.