13 JULY 1878, Page 25

Dr. J. H. Newman dedicates a new edition of his

essay on the Developentent of Christian Doctrine (Pickering) to the President of Trinity College, Oxford, which has done itself the honour of electing him an Honorary Fellow. This dedication is made in the happiest terms, which our readers will be glad to see:— "Not from any special interest which I anticipate you will take in this volume, or any sympathy you will feel in its argument, or intrinsic fitness of any kind in my associating you and your Fellows with it, but because I have nothing besides it to offer you, in token of my sense of the gracious compliment which you and they have paid me, in making me once more a member of a College dear to me from undergraduate memories; also because of the happy coincidence that, whereas its first publication was contemporaneous with my leaving Oxford, its second becomes, by virtue of your act, contemporaneous with a recovery of my position there. Therefore it is that, without your leave or your re- sponsibility,I take the bold step of placing your name in the first pages of what, at my age, I must consider the last print or reprint on which I shall ever bo engaged."