13 JULY 1912, Page 1

The King and Queen have been spending the week in

making a tour of the manufacturing districts of Yorkshire and acquainting themselves with something of the conditions of the working classes there. They have inspected collieries and factories of every sort, and have paid unexpected visits to the homes of working men. Perhaps the most striking event of the week was the King's descent on Tuesday into the Elsecar Colliery, where he explored some of the workings and even worked at the face himself for a few minutes. Another interesting occurrence was the review by the King and Queen of some 4,000 members of the National Reserve at Wentworth- Woodhouse, where their Majesties were staying as the guests of Lord Fitzwilliam. The men, who included thirty Crimean and Mutiny veterans, were under the command of Colonel Hughes, of Sheffield, and all the accounts agree in describing the scene as an impressive one. We are delighted to see this demonstration of the fact that the National Reserve is already developing rapidly all over the country.