13 JULY 1929, Page 11

[MISS FLORA LION. BARBIZON HOME.] Miss Flora Lion's portraits need

no introduction, as they have been seen and admired by those who frequent exhibitions of present-day art, but in this exhibition at Barbizon House, besides showing portraits, she comes out as a landscape painter. The Italian Lakes, Venice, Cornwall, among other places, have contributed to her enjoyment, and she has faith-

fully painted into her pictures of them the pleasure they have given her. None of the landscapes is large, and a quite small panel, Helford, Cornwall, is certainly one of the best. There is something about the blues and greens of the Cornish land and sea which is difficult to catch, but in this small work Miss Lion has been very successful. The same may be said for her Isle di Pescatori, Maggiore, and Evening, Lago Maggiore, shows she can treat space and distance. Her pictures of Venice are not so successful, they seem to miss the calm atmosphere of that place. Iceland Poppies, where the yellows and reds are emphasised against a dark background, is the best of her flower subjects. Her portraits are free from accessories, and generally possess a dominating colour. Mrs. Frank Schwab, with a green background and a green ribbon criss-crossing the skirt, is a charming portrait, but her rather sombre Self-Por- trait is more striking for its simple treatment. Mention should also be made of Pencil Study (39), a strong bit of char- acterization. Having seen her landscapes as well as her portraits, we can only hope that in future Miss Lion will continue to give us a mixed bag.