13 JULY 1929, Page 26


It is, however, as unhappily many readers know, a melancholy task to compare present quotations of some of these issues made during the last year or two with the highest points of the boom, or even with the issue price. To quote only a few, it may be noted that the ls. shares of the Anti-Dazzle Screens which in 1928 went over 17s. now stand at under 6d., and the company is now, appar- ently, to go into voluntary liquidation. Celebritones are now quoted at about 4d., whereas last year they were over 2s., while another company, Everlite, whose shares were quoted last year at 13s., now stand at about ls. 6d., and Safetex Glass, which touched 15s. 6d. last year, now stands at about ls., while, to quote a striking instance, Waste Food Products £1 shares, which in 1928 were rushed up to nearly £5, now stand at little better than 10s. Yet another which may be added to the list is that of Colour Snapshots, where the 4s. shares, after rising to 8s. 9d., now stand at little over ls.