13 JUNE 1835, Page 11

TO ICY A7'.I 1 7 _ 7.IE NT : THE DR ....)ONS

AT woLvERnAmpToN.

1;e of arms at I ver the flying or their swords a' eli that door, oirnes swords. ::,.:l of all miii-

ToE Tories eintel.le w lilt do...:,2,1it ov.e. the i 1Volverhanipton. The three ro,le populaco, Lint t in or down in tat this v nolow, disel000

fuo I :•:„ this t :

t "i'illios., even a ri:lictilons , please its new 1)issenting • -nil efforts to .1 Military. It conmitini- 1,s eviamitons

. a'. I ‘s.

p tun for

• 11:..r a far- .1 Olvt.r• ta 's,

• '1 1 frOill I:, :;•.••-: ;Ina uha.t in they fzallop, al ,,Ture and in.,1‘.1:H2: bravado, their (-el.' th. y listed, and

eel-cies :Will tine hilh.:1 or mot.: •. deo:: this prot e. lit !hot the roophs were'n.,! of the word riof,ofs .' that the -4 mob WaS 110t that io a town wh,‘re unidement.:; of in:sell:et arc as plentiful as the stones in the street—where the " peruliir poptilat:ion," a: 74 Er. FouSTER Called it, lloos little bat Lilac iron, bitt 1- e :11—there was no serious attetupt er inteotion to do mischief? Tin- multitude was unprepared for attack or defenco; and hence the Tory fon and laillery. The people %vete sail' ti and shot unresistingly—what 0 "Mr. oaf.- ri !I;,' S. r

I • :cu', obtai a .

to I-, it Ins, ail i

Mr. IZ 1 " •'" t • . "

put (1. •,+

"I tnit• !'!

sport for the Tories! How it must have reminded them of Manchester, and the massacring days of ()Across:km 1GH But although the Times and the Post, to the Tories, treat this Wolverhampton affair us a piece of drollery, and laugh at the accounts of the cutting down of the people by dragoons, as if they were scenes in a farce acted by ,OWN RLEVE or Lisvose the masses in our manufecturing distiiets feel their blued boiling over at the recital. The responsible Ministers of the country look upon it as no joke. Lords Mssoounsm. and Jon x I essma. must see, in the seeedy flight of the populace, and tie easy tri- umrh of the two-and-thirty (imagism:, er;devee of tLe precipitation of the Magishates, and grri:::(1 for d,o cionityon the part of the werkiug Cwt.-es against the leen in authority e ho

called in the aid of the This is a dangeotus ft-eliag : it should be soothed, let initated. Est the coestant pm actice of the Tory writers is tumid in nit to ii awl then leugh.

If any man under:A.111de the .11 and (•!!; time

Stafihrdshire ropulation, Sir .1, lie has lived among them for many ■. a liv acquired their esteem. But Sir .1, iv rreeseti re on

Ministers the icequay./ir ;Ls-

posed to think ti.e ;L. ly riiWnhits." There is, however, little Leettsion to en -a . Ever) person, net

thoroughly infected b.t party . el Most tlise-ust at the brutality with w hieh the Tory . a of the r. base en- deavom ed to make spurt of the With % ie isn,ittott