13 JUNE 1835, Page 6

rbr Countr”.

Mr. D. C.triraer,, the Corporatiou Member for Hull, (lied surf- derily oil Tuesday. Mr. Ashton Yates is the Liberal candidate to suc- ceed him ; he will be opposed by Mr. .Broadley.

The late Members lOr Ipswich having been unseated for bribery and corruption, by the Committee of the House of Commons, Messrs. Morrison and Westin are again candidates for the representation of that borough. Mr. Whipper-in Ilolnies, and a 111r. E. Brooke Vera, are the gentlemen selected by the Carlton Club to oppose them. Mr. bandits is at Ipswich, assisting the Tory candidate:. Messrs. Mor- rison and Wason have been enthusiastically received there.

The Tory faction at Doncaster, stung to madness by the signarde- feat they have sustained at die lute election, have printed and published a list of the tradesmen in Doncaster who exercised their elective franchise in favour of Lord Morpeth, as persons " who voted for the Radical and Destructive party ;" and to the name of each voter is appended his business as grocer, draper, innkeeper, painter, &e. ; and that no doubt might exist as to the inteistion with which this list is published, there is added a list-a very small one-of the tradesmen who votvd for Mr. Wortley, and who are stated to " deserve the patrancge and support

the neighbouring gentry and flamers." The inference is as plain as if it had been said in so many words, "those atho epic(' jbr Lord Miura do not deserre and ouyht not to receive thi patronoge anti support of the iyhbouring gentry and firmers."-Lreds-Illereury. The Reformers of Wolverhampton assembled on tile 2t1 iiistafit, for the purpose of forming an Association on the psinel.ple of the London Itelorm Association. About :200 gentlennnt were. presort-. A Com- mittee was: appointed irs superiutend the resi.s•xacion of v.uters ;, and a considerable subscription was entered into to carry into efkct the pur- poses of the society.—tiodrosIshiee Advertiser. The county of Devon, which lots suffered so much from a neglect of segistration in the Southern division, is now fully alive to the onport- anee of the work. Societies have been formed and are now forming III most of the districts in both divisions of the county. The electors must take their own work into their own halit1S.-- We4tern The Iteforniera of the county of Sorry met to the Horns Tavern, on Wednesday,and ftirmed themeelves into a Reform Assoeiation. Grote and Alajor Beam. leek, and many ether Relimiters were present, and delivered their opinions at length. Mr. Grote was unanimously elected President.

A plen for the protection and promotion of the Reform interest, adopted at a gm rend on eting of the Cintral Committee, held in Cau- terlony soine time eineta has been extensively circulated atom:bout

the Eastern divisiOn of the comity of Kent. The ii ti net pre- vails. Liberalism predominates; and, aided by district ass )(lotions, the efforts or the Tories will avail mold:lg.—hi:dish ( 7/rm The inhabitaat, of Leicester have petitioned Parliament in favour of the Corporation Bill.