13 JUNE 1835, Page 7

The Earl of Go-ford has been created it British Peer,

by the title of Baron Worlinghasn of Beceles, in Suffolk. Ile has also been ar.

--pointed " Captain-General and Governor-in-Chief in the Provinces of Lower and Upper Canada, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and the Is• land of Prince Edward." Sir Charles Grey is to be Lord Gosford's Assistant Commissioner, Sir Charles has been Chief Justice of Calcutta, and is the brother-in-law of the Duke el Sussex's Whig friend, Lord Dinorben.

Lieutenant Drummond, according to the Cola, r, is to stmeeed Sir William Gossett, as I Itrler- Secretary to Lord Mulgrave; %rho vein, of course, take care that noddle; which it is important should be kept secret, passes through his Secretary to Lord Brougham—Drummer:Ws patron.

The expenses of the Ipswich inquiry, all of which, as well as the sums given in bribery and otherwise during the election itself', will fail on the late sitting Members, Mr. Dundas (wh(, formerly represented Edinburgh). and Mr. Fitzroy Kelly, are estimated to amount to nearly — Globe.

Mr. James Kennedy, late Member for Tiverton, has addressed a letter to the Times, in vindication of his Character from the charge of having sold the borough of Tiverton. In that letter the following passage occurs.

" I owe it to that constituency to say, that there are fAe in the kingdom placed upon the saint. footing as to independence. Situate on no great road, or of considerable traffic, the rents of houses in the town are of that rate ti st she constituency would be in other towns of :la yearly value, and the exten i• lag over a large agricultural district makes it include a portion of gentry a ,agrieulturists so as to require the fact only to be known to prove their ehat•:11 te •. Any priji-cnicat that may fall 6»ily lot would be as moat en eel, ion!. merit to them its it would to »to fi,r ang rrii f's I Or • Ily pirtAan njtbrd. lint I apprehend, it is as much th • duty of every virti.:m ti consti:t the interest of his party, a4 it is the interest of the party to sceure the suppot t of those who can afford them assistance ; and 1, for my part, put forward no Claim or pretension to any extraordinary disinterestedness or unmet 4(.41 reward.', The Times says, that it forbears in mercy to comment on this letter : all that we shall do is, to remind our readers of the relumance with which, at the urgent remonstrance, of several correspondents who sup- posed themselves well-informed, we removed Mr. Kennedy from 'ler list of Doubtful Members, published at the beginning of the ses•ion.