13 JUNE 1835, Page 7

The Earl of I:glom:out has resigned the Lord-Lieutenancy of Sussee

; and it has been offered by time Government to the Duke of Biehmoial, svlos has accepted it.—Prighten

The rioters, svho rebelled against the proveedings of the Poor-law Cominissioners in Kent, and whose conviction at the St. Augustine SeSSions we mentioned last week, have been sentenced to various terms of imprisontreet,— three, six, twelve, and twenty months, and two years t, jilt hard labour.

Mr. Willis, a tailor in Rochester, baying refused payment of his rates, a distraint was made on his goods, and a sale was announced to take place on Mond as-. To counteract this, be put out a bill, calling on the public not to become purchasers, which had the effect of attract- ing a crowd to the spot; and the clamour was so great, that it was found impossible to proceed with the sale after the disposal of the first too—Kentish Chronicle.

On Wednesday week, almost every part of England and Wales was refreshed by a thunder-storm. In sonic places, however, slight damage was done by the sudden °vet flow of brooks, and by the lightning.

Front the appearance of the orchards in Bridgewater, larger crops of apples are expected than have been known for several years past; cider is now selling for less than I/ per hogshead.— Wc.siera Times.

At the Wolverhampton Police-office, last week., a female servant, in the family of Mr. John Corser, of the Oaks, about half a mile front Wolverhampton, was committed, charged with having at various times lately attempted to set lire to her master's house. The first attempt was made on the SS9th of March, and the attempts had been repeated on four subsequent occasions, but in every case the fire was discovered before it had done much injury.

On Sunday last, a boy named Job Lancaster ventured on the rash experiment of descending front the summit of St. Vincent's Rock, Clifton Down, to what is called the Giant's Hole, in search of birds's nests ; he had almost reached the cavern, vhen his head became dizzy, he lost his footing, and fell from a height of about seventy feet ! The terrified spectators naturally expected that he must have been killed; but on Ins being taken to the Infirmary, it was found that though he had sustained a concussion of the brain and was insensible, not a limb Wit fractured; and in the course of a few hours he was able to describe the cause of his fall, lie is now fast recovering.—Bristel JournaL