13 JUNE 1835, Page 8

The Committee appointed to consider the complaint of the t

of Colonel Tremenhere, who was charged with improper inter:ertome in the last Chatham election, sat from the alist of :March to the Oath ef May bacht,ive, when they presented their report, whieli is now printed. The Committee have come to no decision, except to leave the poiets in question to the kid :allele of the I louse.

Marquie of Londonderry took a wrong seat in the Home. of Commons on Wednesday night, Olen listening to his sio•s r,/, :!is de- livering himself of his speech on the Downshire petition. The amide Marquis sat on one of the seats at the bar of the I louse ustaidiy tie cupid by its AItanbers. This was notked by one of the eilicet s, at 1 his Lordship had to leave the seat and retire behind the bar.— rllehe.

Lord Gletudg, has infornacd the Emigration Cotomittee, that, with a view to encourage the canigration of respectable mechanies and agri- cultural labourers, with their families, to the Australian ( alor i•se where that class of pcisoss is still much required, his Majesty's ( iovorti- meat have come to a resolution to convert the hem of .Sot. into an un- conditioeal ',minty to the FUME! 4.111101114. lhi is 4.1111111gell,4•14 Will ye immediate effect ; and the Committee may consider themselves et liberty to act upon it in all their future operations. It is also added, that authority will be given to the (;overnor of New South t Wales, and the Lieutenant. Governor of Vim Diemen's Land, to remit any claims for repayment of loans to emigrant; which may renutie unliquitiated.

The late Earl of Devon has bequeathed his fine estate at Eontainbleau to a Mr. 1Vood, his Lordship's confidential agent. Powderhain Castle and its extensive domain go to the present Earl.

The inhabitants of Feclefeehan assert, that the ancestors of Sir Robert Peel originally belonged to that village ; and, in support of their opinion, they point out a gravestone in the old elm:thy:1rd, inset ibcd to the memory of " Robert Peel," and refer to the testimony of an old woman, now dead, who used to say that some of her relations went southward about ninety years ago, and established themselves as manu- facturers in the neighbourhood of Manchester, and who always claimed to be a relation of the late Sir Hobert Pea—En/tiny Paper. [Our worthy brethren of Scotland not only call all their geese SW4UIS, but are very apt to appropriate the real swans of other people. We have seen essays written by Scotehmen to prove that Shakspeare. Milton, Locke, and Newton, were all born iii Scotland ; we are tla renee more amused than surpri:cd to find tha: they are now laying claint to Sir Hobert Feel.— Times.] On this the Courier very fairly observes—" It eon only be the Con- servative old women of Scotland who claim such a changeling as Sir . Robert Peel. The men of Scotland are too stubborn on the score of principle, too fixed in their morality, to suppose that any honourcan be gained by possessing a man whose chief merit it is to talk well On any Parliamentary subject, mid who is more accustomed to make the worse .appear the better reason, than to lend any lustre to truth."