13 JUNE 1840, Page 1

Debates an Vrocabings in warliament. ATTEMPT TO ASSASSINATE Tun QUEEN.

Soon after the House of Lords met on Thursday, Lord MEt.normgE, a pparlitly much agitated and in a filtering tone of voice, announced to their Lordships, that a desperate attack on the Queen's life had been made on Wednesday evening. as her Majesty was proceeding from the Palace to Ilyde Park. Two pistols were fired at her in the most de- termined and desperate manner, at no great distance from her person ; and it was only wonderful that nothing more unfortunate or melancholy had occurred. He proposed that the House should adopt the course which it had been usual to follow under similar circumstances- " My Lords, on all former occasions of a similar nature, of which, unfortu- nately, there arc in the recent history of our country but ton many examples, it'has always been the custom of your Lordships to address the Throne to ex- press the horror which you feel at the attempt which has been made, and to congratulate the Sovereign on the happy and fmtunatc escape which has taken place. Upon all former occasions such arc the precedents ; and your Lgrd- ships, therefore, 1 am sure, will not be in the least surprised, that I should seize the earliest opportunity of your Lordships' meeting, without any notice, to call upon your Lordships to follow on this occasion the usual course. At the same time, I feel that it is unnecessary for me, and that it would be in sonic degree improper, to expatiate any further on the circumstances, or upon what might have been the consequences of the unfortunate event which has taken place. This matter is now in course of investigation; it must be matter of judicial inquiry ; and under such circumstances, it would ill become either me to address the House or your Lordships to hear any observations which could in the slightest degree interfere with the calm, the deliberate, the digni- fied, aud impartial course of public justice.".

He moved- " That an humble address be presented to her Majesty, to express our horror

and indignation at the late atrocious and treasonable attempt against her Majesty's sacred person, and our heartfelt congratulations to her :Majesty and the country on her 'Majesty's happy preservation from so great a danger ; to express our deep concern et there having been found within her Majesty's dominions a person capable of so flagitious an net; and that we make it our earnest prayer to :11mighty God, that as he lies preserved to us the blessings that we enjoy ender her Alsjesty's just and mild government, he will continue to watch over a life so justly clear to us." The proposal was cordially received, with cheers ; and it was resolved to communicate the address to the !louse of Commons, in conference. The Puke er Sussex, the Duke of Cambridge, the Duke of Wellington, the Bishop of Durham, the 31arquis of Lansdowne, the hurl of Shaftes- bury, and Lord Melbourne, were named Him-lagers of the conference. They soon returned ; and the Duke of Sessex informed the Ifouse, that the Commons had agreed to the eftnfarenee, and that a copy o!: their Lordehips address had been lett with the menagers appointed by the Commons.

On the conclusion of the conference, Lord JOHN RussELT, appeared at the bar of the I louse of Commons, and stated that the Lords desired the concurrence of the Ilouee in their address to the Queen on the late most atrotione and treasonable attack upon Ler seered person. The address having been read, Loud John Russell rose and spoke as tel lows— "1 can expect but one universal feeling of indignation and horror—(Lonel cheers pan (di sides)—at the attempt 'Wendy made upon the life or her Alajesty ; but one universal feeling of congrat alatMu to ourselves, and to her 3Iajesty, a eit lies Royal Consort, that they Zara escaped the danger with which they wcre threatoicil; and but one unanimous desire to concur with the Ifoose or ]Qtly in carrying these our humble sentiments to the foot of the threue. 1 have to state to the House, that yesterday afternoon, as her Majcsty was proceeding front the Palace, immediately alter leaving it, this most atrocious and treasonable attempt was made by the tiring of a pistol, and after the lapse of about half a minute by the discharge of a second pistol: her Majesty and Prince Albert being then in the carriage, and proceeding on their usual drive. Most Mrtunately, this attempt was not attended by any result dangerous to the person or lice Majesty, of her Royal consort Prince Albert, or of any individual whatever. Iler Alejesty immediately afterwards proceeded to the house of her august mother, in order to relieve her mind from the anxiety—((:net chissilly)—into which it might have been thrown by the circulation of reports that might have drawn a picture more alarming than the reality ; and she then proceeded on her return, diming herself in her timed manner to her subjects, and afferdieg a p1 mint once alter safety and of the kindness and Myth irle of her character. V,' i t II respect to the individual who has committed this most treatsmable (detest, this certaiely is not the time upon which it would N. right flir me to se y any thing. Examina- tions have taken pl.me ; and those examinations have resulted in a charge against one individual, who will have to take his trial according to these laws of his country, which gi v.. to every person the benefit of a fitly trial, whatever may be his offence, and against whomsoever it may be committed. I shall only proceed to say, that we cannot but concur in the resolutions and address which have been agreed to by the Lords, and that I air sure tai; I tottse will most readily and most thankfully join with the other House of Parliament in expres,:ing both our joy at her Majesty's happy preservation from so great a danger, and likewise in offering up our earnest grayer to Almighty 6,,l that he will pre- serve to us the blessings which we enjoy under her Majesty's just and mild government, and continue to watch over a life so justly dear to us. I beg to move that this Ilouse do concur with the Lords in the ialdrses to.which they have agreed."

Sir ROBERT PEEL immediately- rose and said-

" Sir, this is one of those occasions on which it is impossible not to feel that language is it very imperfcct medium for conveying the sentiments to which they give rise. ftherefore shaft content myself, in seconding the noble Lord's motion, with expressing, on the part of those with whom I have the satisfies- tion of acting in public life, our unanimous concurrence in the sentiments which the noble Lord has expressed of horror and indignation at this atrocious crime, of heartfelt congratulation at her Afajesty's escape, and of a wish to join in an earliest prayer that that same protection which has warded from her Majesty the claimer with which she was threatened may continue to defend her from all future dangers."

Mr. JAMES hoped Lord John Russell would be able to assure the House and the country that her Majesty's health had not suffered ma- terially by the excitement and agitation which must have been created, more or less, by the treasonable and diabolical attempt at assassination ; and perhaps Lord John would also satisfy the public mind on another point—whether evidence had been adduced to criminate others besides the person in custody ?

Lord JOIIN RUSSELL was happy to state, that two hours ago lie had received front the Queen's own lips the assurance that her health had not suffered. The second question, 3.Ir. James himself must see, could not be answered with propriety.

Mr. PLumPTHE suggested that there ought to be a public expression of thankfulness for her Majesty's preservation; and a form of thanks- giving prepared to be used generally throughout the country.

Lord Jou:4 Resssom said, that if he then declined saying any thing on that subject, it was not because he undervalued Mr. Plumptre's sug- gestion.

The address was unanimously carried, and the concurrence of the Commons communicated to the Lords.


The discussion on Lord Stanley's Bill was resumed on Thursday.

The motion having been made, " That the order of the day for the Committee on the Registration of Voters (Ireland) Bill be now read, Mr. Cu/times Wool> moved, and Lord Howicie seconded, an amend- ment to substitute "the second reading of the Registration of Voters Bill" for the Committee on the Irish Registration Bill. The avowed object of this amendment was to postpone the Irish measure till the Government Bill for England and Wales had passed. Mr. Wool) dis- claimed any intention or desire of defeating Lord Stanley's Bill, which he had voted for and was still ready to consider in Committee ; but lie N 11 c qd it more expedient to determine in the first place what alter-

child be made in the Engliobjectionh of registration ; and he '‘:'!"-T -alas/sure sere would be little or no afterwards to extend the

• --- 3ro4i„siOuS f the English Bill to Ireland.

.'' ; '. • . A:d0,4e ate followed. Lord STANLEY and Sir Romisir PEEL con- r,', 'r •-''' teIlitcdj=r--tif the success of Mr. Wood's amendment would smother Lord Stanley's Bill; that there was no such connexion as Mr. Wood assumed between the English and Irish Bills; that the enormous frauds, perjury, and personation practised in Ireland, required an immediate and distinct remedy, not needed in England ; that it would not conduce to the calm consideration of the English Bill to connect it with the Irish measure ; that the House had pledged itself by two distinct votes to consider Lord Stanley's Bill in Committee, and ought not now to adopt a locution which would postpone it sine die.

CA LLActrAN, Lord HowicK, Sir WILLIAM SOMERVILLE, Mr. Dissos; ilnowsts Sir Ora loses Immo:, Mr. SLANEY, Mr. O'CosNsms, Mr. JAMES GRATTAN, Lord JOHN RUSSELL, Lord PALMERSTaonxd, 11mIrr.. (mired material an:endments, which would probably muter it very different from that which I.ord Stfulley would give to Ireland, sweee, spoke in favour of 3[r. Wood's amendment. Thesehese l'.lembers argued, that as the , :1;111,11 system of registration re- very first to settle what the practice in Elm:hind should be. 1'or instames the annual registration was to be estaLli,lied in Ireland ,• hut so vextu het:: wes that mode found to be in Englami, that the present Irish practice of registering every eight years might he preferable in England also, There were precedents in favour of legislating first for England and then extending to Ireland measures found to work well or Poor-laws. Ls a day or two, the English here. That course had been 101lowed with aclva11171:1;gmenlugnhtthiewmpicasstsioend through Committee, and then a groundwork would be laid for the Irish Bill : thus no titne would he lost, but, on the contrary, the pro- gress or Lord S1anley's measure would be facilitated.

On a division, the House, notwithstanding the opposition of Govern- ment, agreed to read the order of the day liar the Committee on Lord f.itanley's bill, by a majority of 21)6 to 195.

A motion by Sir DEmitA3i NORREVS, to instruct the Committee to make the qualification of a Parliamentary elector one year's rating on a sum to be fixed, received little support, and was withdrawn.

The House went into Committee, Mr. Preshfield in the chair. But before any thing had been done, Mr. Wmintiwros; moved that the (_'h airman do report progress, in order that when the !louse resumed lie might move an instruction to the Committee to define the qualifica- tion. Some desultory conversation respecting the qualification oc- curred ; which ended in the rejection of Mr. NVarburton's motion, by 313 to 220.

Lord STANLEY saw no prospect of' malsing any progress with the bill that night : and, under the cireumetances, he hoped Lord John Itnssell would not think it discourteous in him to press his motion fisr going

hit° Ct»ninittee on Monday next, t i precedencce of the Govern- ment business.

Lord dons RUSSELL said, if Lord Stanley moved that the Chairman report priesress, to sit aeaiti on Monday, he certainly would Move an amendment to postpone the Committee to 1Veduesday.

Lord STANLEY was quite ready to go to the division on that point. The remainder of the sitting presented one continued scene of uproar. Mr. O'CoNNsaa. rose to denonuee the till, as framed to trample on the rights of Ireland. Here Mr. O'Connell was interrupted by laughter, groans, whistling., and insulting noises of various kinds, front Opposi- tion Members. He repeated his words three times ; amid the same sort of interruption continued. At length he said, it would be his duty to stop the bill though the "beastly bellowing" were ten times as great. Sir STRATFORD CANNING rose to order, and indescribable hubbub and confusion followed. Several Members lectured the Chairman for par- tiality in not protecting Mr. O'Connell. Others were loud in their de- mands for au apology from Mr. O'Connell. Some, including Mr. Cummus Brizsm, rebuked Members fur conduct unbecoming gentle- men. Mr. O'Coxseto moved an adjournment. Sir Boxtasux Ilstm declared he would not be party to a factious opposition to the bill ; and provoked some sharp words from Mr. O'CoNNELL, At length the Connnittee rose—to sit again on Monday.


Mr. Mit,Es, on Wednesday, moved the second reading of the Seduc- tion Bill. lle first stated reasons why it was expedient to pass a mea- sure to inflict penalties on seducers, and then explained the chief provi- sions of his bill. Experience, he said, had proved that a decrease of bastardy had not followed the change in the law which threw the bur- den of supporting illegitimate children on tine mother. In ten counties of England, the number of bastards born in the three years preceding 1834 was 8,5;9 ; in three years succeeding 1834 the number in the same counties was 9,548. By a return from the district of Wineanton, it appeared that not only had the number of bastards increased, but the proportion of the deaths of bastards to those of legitimate children. The evil was manifest, and the only question was, how were they to apply a remedy ? It was in vain to tell poor persons that they had their remedy by civil action, when they were not able to incur the expense of going to law. Thus, to the poor and the millions, there was no redress for seduction ; while, for the few and the rich, a remedy alone was found to exist. Ile proposed a remedy which was sanctioned by the sugges- tions of the Poor-law Commissioners— He divided his bill into two heads: the one affected cases of seduction under a breach of promise of marriage ; the other applied to seduction accomplished by other means. Remedy was now sought in the one ease as fora breach of contract ; and in the other the action was brought for the loss of service. If the County Courts Bill had passed last session, he would in these cases have given ,jurisdiction to them; but now he proposed to leave the adjudication of them to the special Sessions, and, to insure a full attendance of Magistrates, he would have them fetid for the purpose of carrying into effect the objects of this bill. The next question, then, was as to the damages: it' these were too high, the middle classes would resort to them. lie therefore proposed to place the damages at 30/. ; and to allow the Magistrates to award their being paid by action should be brought by the woman. In cases of seduction, by the father, proposed that the instalments. In cases of breach of promise of marriage, he mother, natural guardian, master, or mistress ; and the damages paid to the same parties as brought the action—in cases of seduction to be applied to the support of the illegitimate children, if any. Ten days' notice of summons was to be given to the party. No decision was to be given on the unsupported testimony of the woman. There might be some difficulty as to corroborative proof ; but the bill once read a second time, these points would all be adjusted in Committee, with the efficient aid of legal gentlemen. Of the necessity of speedily passing some such measure, be felt confident. lie knew that sedue- tion among farmers' work-people, or domestic servants, was most frequent under promise of marriage; and, generally, after so long a courtship that the poor females had every reason to believe the parties sincere. As to women in poor-houses, he believed the evilof inefficient classification was productive of great immorality. With respect to the Poor-law, lie thought it best to repeal all the bastardy clauses, and leave the question solely to be dealt with under this bill as a civil injury.

The Arronxetv-GENimer, felt bound to oppose this bill— It was now proposed for the first time to ;;ice compensation to a woman purely forth e loss of chastity. This hill provided that eny woman who had been seduced under promise or marriage might oo befbre at Justice of the Pe who would summon the mending party before the petty :-tessions, '.viler,: the woman might obtain dalmeg,s of 301 Now this to him appeared to open a aide dour Mr fraud. -Women would he touch less careful or their elms: when they could obtain sigh a price for ; and it would enable our wonem, however fide: or unchaste, to make a (radii' of ; .uve,g.mg men intcc p.omise•• of marriage. But there was one provision of th.: bill which would in mute e,:see frustrate the object with which it was framed,—namely, that whereby the ceee of the oemen was required to he supported hy IWO witte2,,es ; which in very- few eases maid possibly be obtained.

Apprehending that the measure would lead to fraud and injustice, he should move an amendment, that it be read a second time that day six months.

BENtegr thought some protection should be afforded to the female which eras not allowed tinder the present law—

Under the slate of the law which mail lately existed, the man who seduced a woman was hound to support her child if' she had one; and this led to some degree of circumspection on his part. ruder the present law there was no

protection for the female sex ; aud he that same attempt should be made to remedy this evil. With regard to seductions under promise of mar- riage, there might certainly lie some difficulty in preying such it case. But in many instances it might be done. Poe instaece, it very frequently happened that a man seduced a woman after having as a blind published. the bans of mar- riage; and in such a ease there could he no difficulty on the score of evidence. With respect to the bill now befiwe the Ifouse, though he did not approve of meek of it in detail, he should mark his approval of its principle by voting for the second reading.

Mr. SLANP.V believed that the new Poor-law had given protection to females, by removing a temptation to comply with the improper ad- dresses of men ; but be thouglIt further protection ought to be afforded to women seduced under promise of nierriage. Ile suggested, that the 30!. damages should be devoted to the support of Clue child or to the poor-rates, Mr. Miees only asked the House to sanction the principle of the bill ; he would leeve the details to the abler hands of the Attorney- General.

Me, Vierstins would give the bill his ready nesent, did he think it Was intended to make justice more aceggible to the poor— Be admitted, in this case, that it was enormous evil that poor women should have no redress if they really had endured a wrong; but Mr. Miles had not by his bill soloed the real difficulty in the case, which was a competent tri• htmrd before whom they were to appear and obtain their remedy : he only 111141 proposed by this: kill to give fresh powers to the gentry who Were the local 31a- gistrates, and which it would do in a material degree; and he thought where the sons or the servants or the dependents of the Magistracy might he the parties whose eases they would haVC to decide, that this objections which did exist at present to the Magistravy, namely that their judgments might he biassed by their local interests or their local prejudices, would apply in a striking degree in this case. Let the honouraide gentleman say that he would support a good system of Local Courts to provide for a competent administratitei of justice throughout the country ; and he would have his ready concurrence, and he believed that of every person on his side of the House, in any plan for affording any redress which the poor might its'ck or demand. But he for one, not having confidence in the County Jed:tete; as they are at present ape pointed, could not consent to extend their powers in this respect.

Mr. HAWEF opposed the bill, because it would legalize seduction on the part of the rich. Any man who could allbrd to play 80!. might seduce a girl for that sum, and the parents would lose their present remedy in the courts of law. The house divided— Fur the second reading 57 Against it 51;


SALE of 'Igen.

Mr. PAKINCTON'S Sale of Beer Bill was reconsidered on Wednesday, on the bringing up of the report. A good deal of desultory conversa- tion, imperfectly reported, took place in a thin House. Most of the clauses were agreed to; but that which required certificates of good character from persons applying for beer-house licences was rejected, by 43 to 41: and an amendment, enabling widows of beer- house- keepers to carry on the business, was carried, by 43 to 24. Twenty- three clauses had been disposed of when the Committee rose.


The Lords were occupied during the greater part of Thursday with Earl Eitzwilliam's motion, " That it is expedient to reconsider the Laws relating to the Importation of Foreign Corn."

Lord FITZWILLIAM delivered a very long and elaborate speech, in which lee aimed at convincing the House that the Corn-laws were in- jurious to the great bulk of the community, especially to the manufae- hiring and commercial classes, and the masses who worked for wages. He took pains to impress upon their Lordships, that wages were not regulated by the price of food, but by the demand and supply of labour; and reminded them of Burke's remark, that

when the Norfolk squires :armed that wages rose and fell with the price of corn, they had " dined." He dwelt upon the inconvenience of constantly meddling with the natural price of corn by their weekly publication of the averages. The failure of the Corn-laws to keep up the price of wheat in plentiful seasons, while they aggravated the evils of scarcity, formed a prominent topic in Lord Fitzwilliam's speech. It was no doubt intended to create that slight degree of scarcity which should keep up prices; but that was too subtile a matter for legislation ; and in his opinion, it was wiser not to interfere at all with matters which they could not regulate as they wished.

Lord WiLeerEnet defended the Corn-laws, and attributed the prevalent distress to the state of the currency. Lord ROSEIIEllitY supported the motion ; not because he was un- favourable to the principle of the Corn-laws, but because he thought the present laws might be improved.

'1711e is n•1 F.texiotern attributed the outcry against the Corn-laws to the misrepresentations of itinerant agitators. As for the A nti-Corn- law League, he could not speak of that body except with a feeling of disgust.

The Teed ot. 'Lee:mu:pox advocated r«.(1.si■leration of the laws ; whose ore-mime Leib cur gotal and cell, ales much exaggerated. He

maintained dee c cite rc w multi be greatly and the price of bread not ineell relieved, ley °peeing the peels to tbreign corn.

Lord ASI1111.1;TON c unteudecl fur the feet iii prieelele of protection to verleulture, :1: el denied that iluctiuttion inc thin ;give of grain was to be :IP riletted to the Corn-laws.

The Earl of Be:teen emilleuusi Lord A eltletrtee's views ; and read

eepieue ,::tee-I. e.- Ir. _threat •der eeeeclies to prove Lord Aeliburttei in error.

The Duke of It len-MOND supported the Corn-laws, to save the agri- culturists from ruin.

lmrtl tit:side...ea it a good omen flee file motion would ho supeorted by a 1. -eine: of the Alinietry. Ile u eettsuel himself from enierieg it large into tile question, on the ;lee of ill health and ex- liaitetium from long attendance in the llotiee.

Lord :411:1.nor wee bed very little ditlieelte in vOillIg it inexpedient to 1e:0m:titter the Corn e, in the prise to exc'ite'd coudition of the

public mind. Ile laid great stress on Me Van Buren's opinion of the hazard of depttielieg upon foreign teatime. for e supply of corn. It was also an objection to the motion. ohms Lord kitzwilliam had not stated the nature of the alteration be should propose.

Earl of W'Anwmcse spoke inaudibly, amidst loud cries of "Ques-

tion I" Earl PITZWILLIAM briefly replied; and the House divided— Per the motion: Present 34 Proxies 42 Against the motion: Present 127 Proxies 57 --- 184 Majority 142

bc (Court.

nuri, would Kaye been a dull week at Coert--no ball, no levee, no

drawing-neee---had not exchement er tineleesent kind been supplied by an ontra,Lo upon lie Queen, of which the particulars appear below. Next woek. it is expected, her :1Iajeety and Prince Albert will visit Ascot Races. A drawing-room is announced for Thursday the 25th instant, and a levee for Wednesday the 1st of July.