13 JUNE 1840, Page 1


THE great event of this week is a revolting outrage against the per- son of the Queen. On Wednesday afternoon, her Majesty narrowly escaped a violent death, while proceeding in unsuspecting confidence with Prince Ar.m:rer from Buckingham Palace to Hyde Park, in an open phaeton. Two pistols, levelled at her Majesty or her husband, were discharged by it young man who stood within a few yards of the carriage. Happily, both the Queen and her husband escaped without injury : the mad or desperate assailant was arrested in- stantly ; and, after an examination by the proper officers, he is com- mitted to Newgate, to be tried for high treason.

The first public effect of this startling passage in the life of Royalty has been an increase of sympathy with the young Queen and Prince ;. who conducted themselves, in so alarming a situation, if not with the perfect stoicism which some unskilful parasites attributed to them, 3-et with a more natural and becoming pro- priety, and great presence of mind. A general outpouring of loyalty on the occasion is conunenced ; Parliament setting the example to the nation by the immediate and unanimous adoption of an address to the Queen, expressing " horror and indignation at the late atrocious and treasonable attempt against her sacred per- son," congratulating her 'Majesty and the country on her happy preservation, and earnestly praying for the continuance of her " just and mild government."

As the Commons did not sit on the first two days of' the week, and the Lords made holyday fhr three days, our notice of Parlia- mentary proceedings is necessarily short. The Lords have had their Corn debate ; and very heavy it was. Earl Firzwthioan, who moved a resolution declaring the expedi- ency of reconsidering the laws which restrict importation of foreign grain, bad the disadvantage of dealing with a subject which, in the House of Lords at least, has neither party nor representative in- terest, and of which the public may be pardoned fim being a little weary after the long discussions in the House of Commons. Lord FITZWILLT AM brought together a mass of filets and arguments in favour of free trade, and demonstrating the injurious operation of' the existing scale of duties; which his opponents left undiminished and unbroken. But their triumph was at hand in the division ; for Lord FITZ1V1LIJAm was defeated, by a majority of 194 to 42.

Another brawl on Lord STANLEY'S Registration Bill, and IMO- other defeat of Ministers on Irish ground, where they were wont to find their firmest footing,. Although opposed on this occasion by Lord HOW IC K. 1111:1 Mr. Offal-Es Woon, Lord STANLEY carried his bill into Committee by a vote of 206 to 195. The " dual party" of Howlett and Woon would thin make themselves some- body, by trimming between Ministers and the Opposition. Thus, they voted against the second reading of Lord STANLEY'S Bill; then for committing it ; and now tin' its virtual rejection. This we say advisedly, because we cannot impute to either Member the gross stupidity of supposing that the Government would not take advantage of any excuse for stopping Lord STaxi.ev's Bill ; and Mr. Woon proposed that Lord JOHN RUSSELL'S sham measure for changing the English Registration should have precedence of Lord STANLEY'S. Had the House agreed to this, excel- lent care would the Ministerial party have taken not to pass their bill in time for Lord STANLEY to conic again into the field. Mr. Wool's motion was correctly described by Sir ROBERT PEEL as a contrivance to smother the Irish Registration Bill. pvermatched in numbers by the Tories, Mr. WAnnowros, who is grown as unscrupulous in partisanship as he was always in- genious and often bold, betook himself to the last resource of a minority, and moved to "report progress " before any pro- gress had been made. This proving ineffectual, Mr. °'C oro.NELL next attempted to stay proceedings by an adjournment ; and was assailed by a large portion of the Opposition, especially by some who had sat long at table after dinner, with yells, hooting, and insulting laughter. O'CoNsErr. retorted in language coarse and disorderly, no doubt, but not inapplicable to the parties who con- vert the hall of the Legislature into a bear-garden : and then one of those riots commenced, now common in the House of Commons, but which would disgrace a Billingsgate vestry. Of course the supporters of the adjournment succeeded in preventing progress that night : but Lord STANLEY !WHOL-ICC(' hi: deter- mination to three on his bill on Monday, in disregard of Govern- ment arrangements. Perhaps this proceeding may be intended as a warning to the :Ministerial party, of whet they must expect if Oppoaition measures are merely stopped by motions of adjourn- ment—not discussed, amended, and 1:1i1V:to ed. Doubtless, means of retaliation exist ; and the inisteo, nervy tind that the e. forms of the House" can be so employed as to aneoy them exceedingly, in the conduct of routine business.