13 JUNE 1840, Page 8

Russia, ever sleepless. appears to have her eyes open to

the probable results of the projected British expedition to China. Letters from St. Petersburg of the Stir ultimo state, that in a few Nveeks a mission was about to be sent by the Emperor to the Court of Pckin.—Bomboll Times, April 11.

Prom the Agra Mhos. of April 18th—" Letters have been received from Sir Alexander Burnes, asserting that a Russian any of 2-1,mo

cavalry and infantry, with 70 pieces of artillery, arrived at Khiva, and are making every arrangement for their onward progress to Bukhara. Sir Alexander places implicit reliance on this, and strongly urges, that should it prove true, a British army should pass the Iiindoo Caucasus. Despatches to this effect have gone down to the Governor General ; and it is conjectured that, as a first step, an army of observation, con- sisting of fair regiments of infantry, one regiment of cavalry, and some artillery, will be formed."

The expedition to China is to consist of her Majesty's Eighteenth Regiment, from Ceylon ; the Twenty sixth and Forty-ninth, front Bengal ; the Fifty-fifth, from Madras ; some volunteer Sepoys from Calcutta ; with Artillery and Sappers from Madras: the whole to be under the command of Colonel Burrell, of the Eighteenth Regiment, which is to be placed on the Bengal establishment.

The Honourable Mr. Farish has resigned his appointment in the Civil service, but retains his seat in the Council.

Major Ogilvy-, of the Thirty-first Regiment, died on the 21st of March, on the route to Benares. The death of Major Adam Smith, late of the Ceylon Bilks, and of Major (;Whitt, Deputy Secretary in the Military Department of Bengal, are also annoulleed.

The Atalanta and Sesostris steamers are to be employed in China. The shares in the Bombay Bank, which minim a:ea business on the Eith April, were at 25 premium.