13 JUNE 1868, Page 3

Sir James Brooke, better known as Rajah Brooke, died on

'Thursday, at his house in Devonshire, his dream of conquering 13orneo, and turning it into an English Java, still unfulfilled. Ile was a bold, upright, and somewhat over stern adventurer, with a talent not only for conquering, but for conciliating Eastern races. The Dyaks, whom he smote so pitilessly to put down piracy, rose at his summons when he was attacked by the Chinese, and extirpated his enemies, and he reigned in Sarawak an unques- tioned despot, without a European soldier at his back. Fifty years ago he would have added a second India to the Empire, and even as it was he gave the British name a prestige in the Archi- pelago which makes the Dutchmen writhe. Worse men and feebler have ere this been laid in Westminster Abbey, but we suppose no claim will be made for the last Englishman who has waged and won a private war.