13 JUNE 1914, Page 16

CHILDREN AND HOLIDAYS. [To ens Ebner or en. ..Sencerton.") Sut„—May

we invoke the hospitality of your columns once more on behalf of the Children's Country Holidays Fund, to ask all those who have been fortunate enough to obtain a holiday at Whitsun to bear in mind the needs of the poor-children of London? The Fund has now been at work for over thirty years. Daring that time it has given nearly a million children a fortnight's holiday each in the country or at the sea. It is recognized that the month during which the schools are closed is perhaps the most critical period in the year for the children. Not only do they tend to forget what they have learnt during term, but they are thrown back upon their home life, with nothing to occupy their minds save the chance excitements of the street.

The ideal way of dealing with them is to get them out of London for a space of time sufficient to allow new impressions to take effect on their minds. This is the aim of the Children's Country Holi- days Fund. It gives the children, not a day, but a whole fortnight in the country, and it sends them to live in cottages where they share in the life and habits of the country people, and where they get a glimpse of a whole new world, totally different from any- thing to which they have been hitherto accustomed.

Last year, owing to lack of funds, the numbers dealt with had to be cut down by eight hundred. Even so, 45,602 children were made the happier by a fortnight's holiday. But it was a bitter disappointment to those eight hundred to be left out, and we appeal to your readers to help us not only to send them, but several hundreds more of the thousands of children in London who have never been away. Donations Bent to the Earl of Arran, Hon. Treasurer, C.C.H.F., 18 Buckingham Street, Strand, W.C., will be most gratefully acknowledged. Every .61 given ensures a fortnight's holiday for two children.—We are, Sir, &c., on behalf of the Executive Committee,

LOREBORN Trustees of the

.18 Buckingham Street, Strand, W.C.