13 JUNE 1914, Page 3

By a resolution of the Judges of the King's Bench

Division a new time-table will come into force at the commencement of the next (Trinity) sittings. The usual hours hitherto have been Irons 10.30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Henceforth in that division on all weekdays except Saturdays they are to be from 10.15 a.m. to 4.15 p.m. Under this arrangement the hours hitherto reserved for Saturday's work will in future be added to and distributed throughout the ordinary working days of the week, so that Judges will sit regularly for the full normal number of working hours in the week, and in addition a sufficient number of Judges will sit on Saturdays to dispose of Order XIV. cases, further considerations, and specially urgent business. People who take hasty views will be inclined to say that even now the Judges will work very short hours. They will be mistaken, however. Judges' Court hours and Judges' working hours are by no means the same things. Further, Judges' hours ought to be short. Nothing is more exhausting than sitting to hear causes. It is sedentary in the extreme sense of the word, and therefore very trying, and the responsi- bility involved is also exhausting in a high degree. An exhausted Judge is a public calamity—as great a source of danger as an exhausted engine-driver.