13 JUNE 1931, Page 14


Here is a mystery, met but unsolved by two ardent ornithologists who journeyed forth to watch birds on a reservoir in East London. As they came close to the edge of the water they saw on the ground a large egg, up-ended, with a hole punctured in the top. Proceeding, they came upon five more similar eggs similarly defaced. The eggs, when examined, proved to be hens' eggs, and each was stamped. The greater part of the contents had been extracted. The sucking of the eggs might have been done by a rat but the nature of the hole suggested a bird. This, however, is a secondary problem : the greater is, how did the eggs get there ? Is it possible that gulls could have carried them off a stall or barrow ? I have seen herring gulls carry guillemots' eggs a considerable di,tance on their bill driven well through the shell. W. BEACH Thomas.