13 JUNE 1931, Page 3

Separatism in Spain The Basques, the Catalans and the Gallegos

have now all provided documents claiming for their provinces various degrees' of autonomy. It is notable that the statute drafted by the Basques, who have always enjoyed special privileges, seems by far the most statesmanlike and, in some ways the most modeiate of the three, but naturally their privileges under the new statute would not be diminished. The more thoroughgoing Catalan document is, however, unofficial, and will probably differ in many respects from that which is being prepared by the Generalitat. It is also reported that a deputation from Tetuan is on its way to present the demands of the Moors fc,i autonomy to the Provisional Government. These documents will all in their turn be presented to the Cortes, and will probably be considerably modified in discussion, but it seems that the difficulty which the Republic is finding in settling down to the business of governing will not diminish for some months, until these questions are settled.