13 MARCH 1841, Page 11


The Heroine, Fretwell, from China to Loudon, was wrecked off Cape Spartel, Feb. 18th—master, mate, and twenty-four of the crew drowned.

The Hector, trom Calcutta, sunk off Prays. Feb. 19M—master, mate, and one man drowned.

Arrit ed—At Gravesend, March 6th, Trial, Patton, from Bengal; 7th, Forth, Baxter, front ditto ; 9th, Earl Durham, Tindall, from ditto; 11th, City of Loudon, Morton, from Mauritius; and Essex, Booby, from Van Diemen's Laud. At Deal, 11th. John Woodall, Williams. from Batavia; Hesperia, Morgan. from Mauritius; Courier, Dickson ; and Harlequin, —, from the Cape; Asia, Patteson, from Bengal ; and 12th. Strathtieldsaye. Spence, from the Cape. Off Falmouth, 11th. Ellen. Dixon, from New South Wales ; Duke of Ruxburgli, Leslie, from Siugapore ; Mary Hay. velum'. from Van Diemen's Land; and Julian, Parke. from Mauri- tius. At Liverpool, 7th. Young Queen. Atkins. from Bengal; 9th, Otterspool, Scales, from unto; aud Allan Kerr, 514Kechuie, from Bombay. At St. Helena, Jan. 22d, Orixa, Ager. from Singapore; and 23d, Drummon, Mylne, from Bengal. At Bombay, previous to 31st Jan.. Charles Grant. Pitcairn; Thomas Coutts, Warner ; and Sir E. Paget. Campbell, from London; Sycee, Jolly; Tweed, Lawson; and Shakspeare. Ileudeuten, from London; Midas, Kerr. from Newcastle; Hugh Walter, Bogg; and Ramsay. Hamlin, from the Clyde. At Madras, previous to the 23d Jan., Mary Ann, Torben; Duke of Argyle, Webb; Wellington, Kenrick; Atlas. Sexton; Lunt Low- ther, Pattison ; and Lady Flora, Fo..rd, from London. At Bengal. previous to 1811; January, Vernon, Denny ; Orator, Terry ; Scotia, Campbell ; Windsor, Nesbitt; Princess Victoria, Blockmere; Lord Hungerfurd, Pigott; Mayborough. Cooper; and Edinburgh, Fattinseu. from London •, Rachel, Scott; Imaum Muscat. Thick- holm ; Isis. Graham ; Washington, Thurbun ; Tapley, Mallory and Queen Maly, Aintey ; and Spencer, Birkett; Earl Grey, Bell, from Liverpool. St. .George, Williams, from 13risiol; and Anu Metcalf, Rogers, from Newcastle. At Singapore. previous to 2911; Dec., Meteor, Walker, from the Clyde; Bella Marina, Wickman; Ann Laing, Hudson • and Malcolm. Sim, from Liverpool. At Van Die- men's Land, previous to 22d Hudson; Tuscan, Luke; Cloriuda, Godby; Agostino, P erry; Rookery, Brown; Charles, Brown; Charlotte. Carter; and Patriot, Brown, from London; aud Brazil Packet, Snell, from Newcastle.

Salled—From Gmvesend, March 6th, W. Sltand, Potter ; and Sophia. Johns, for Bombuy ; 8th, Tamerlaue, M•Kenzia, for Bengal ; and Robarts, Elder, for Madras; and ilth. Candahar. Ridley, for Bombay. From Liverpool, 9th. Theodosia, Cushing; Ann Lockerby, Burt ; and Ann Rankin', M'Aithur. for Bengal; Circassian, Sproule; and Balfour, Butler, for Bombay.