13 MARCH 1852, Page 6

larngu unit Colonial.

FRANCE.—The elections for the Corps Legislatif are completed. It is said that of the whole number, 262, not more than five are ostensibly Opposition Deputies. But this, glaring as it is on the announcement of the Government, does not convey the least idea of the true state of things. We have already stated that the Government in a great many instances adopted candidates whom it would not have been safe to oppose, and in some few cases went so far as to persist in adopting some candidates who had disowned its support with contumely. It is now stated that there will be from seventy to eighty Deputies who will range themselves as a "Constitutional Opposition " in restraint of all future legislative excesses. M. Montalembert and M. de Wormy are said to be busy organizing the plans and policy of the intended "opposition." Some time ago, M. de Morny was mentioned as intended by the Autocrat for the place of Pre- eident of the Corps Legislatif; but the " differences " between them which led to M. de Morny's retirement from the Ministry are said to be now greater than ever. The quarrel may explain M. de Merrily's tactics; or M. de Morny's tactics may explain the quarrel. The Moniteur has gazetted the appointment of M. Billault to the place once intended as the reward of M. de Morny's services on the 2d of.December.

At the beginning, of the week it was said in Paris, that the project of meddling with the department of Public Instruction and the University had been abandoned, or rather put aside for the present ; that the Presi- dent shrank back before the powerful public opinion of the world of letters manifested through every avenue against his schemes. But a por- tion of the plan is now actually carried out. In the iffoniteur of Wed- nesday appeared a series of decrees, which, under the alleged considera- tion that "until a law be passed for the reorganization of public instruc- tion, it is necessary to apply the principle calculated to reestablish order and hierarchy in the corps of Public Instruction," has reorganized! the whole of the Superior Council of Public Instruction, It has' made both that body, and the whole of the Professors of Faculties, (who have been. elective and have always held a position independent of Government in- finances or partisan politles4 the mere ministerial officers of the este. blished Tyranny. The whole of these functionaries, are now to be "no.. minuted and dismissed" by the President of the Republic and all the subordinate officers of Public Instruction—inspectors of academies, em,. ployes of public libraries, &c.—are to be appointed and dismissed "by the Minister, by delegation of the President of the Republic." The Superior Council is reorganized, in order to omit from itelist the names of such men as Villemein, Thiers, and Cousin, and even of such as Mon- talembert and Do Falloux. It is said, indeed, that the venerable Arage is threatened with expulsion..

Marshal Marmont,. Duke of Ragusa, died on the 2d instant, at Venice. Marmont was- the companion in arms of Bernadotte, Davoust, Lamle!, and Berthier. He was with Napoleon in Egypt. In the successful campaign of 1805, which ended in the peace of Presburg, he invaded the republic of Re- gum, and okrned his dukedom by defeating the united Russians and Monte. negrins in its-neighbourhood. In 1612, he opposed Wellington in the Penin- sula; and commanded at Salamanca, where he received a severe wound. It was hislot to capitulate in Paris to the Allies. He took the oath of alle. glance to Louis the Eighteenth,. and remained faithful to him when Napo- leon returned from Elba. Singularly, it was his lot once more to yield up Paris in 1830,, when he had been intrusted by the reactionary Ministry or Charles the Tenth with the command of all the troops. The published testi- mony of 'his personal friend Arago, the astronomer, has been borne to prove the high sense of soldierly duty with which he acted on the last occasion.

SWITZERLAND.—The latest report concerning the difficulties which had' arisen between the Cabinets- of France and' Austria- and the Federal Go- vernment of Switzerland' are still' more in favour of the Helvetic-Republic; Last week, we read that France had objected to- an unconditional military occupation, and suggested a commercial blockade, if Sardinia would give her necessary help. It is now stated that no immediate pretext for the measures of coercion any longer exists, and that therefore there is reason to hope the relations of France and Switzerland, at least., have become perfectly friendly. It has been reported that M. Persigny and General Dufour met on. the frontier and exchanged mutually satisfactory engage. ments. The Times reasserts, however, that the- specific demand was not abandoned' by France; that "the expulsion of all the refugees applied for should' be granted, without inquiry to what category the French political refugees:might belong" ;- "they must depart," said the letter of M. de Solignac, ' as soon as I point them out by name" : and this demand was not waived by M. Persigny. So that Switzerland would seem to have bent to the threatening storm.

Gnaws/is—The Austrian. Lloyd newspaper, which expresses the sen- timents of the. Imperial Government at Vienna, has the following para- graph, on the recent change- of Administration. in. England, and on the policy of parties in this country— "From our point of view, a Tory Cabinet is better than a Whig one ; but our-wishes must not be confounded with our opinions. Lord Derby will fall. The Conservative party in England is now taking' up- a position• whioh no Conservative party in any land can hold with, honour. When the privi- leged classes of a state are so ill-advised as to make laws which only serve their own interests, to the prejudice of the rest of the people' they are lost. Only the, poor and. their representatives have the right to be.selfish ; the rich ought never to make lkws for filling, their own pockets. While the Tories have, for their rallying cry ‘.The Constitution as it stands!'—'No changes,' they may, conquer ; but when they write upon, theirbamiers the


words 'ear-Bread, • whibeWhige, Peelites, and the men of Manchester, take Cheap. Bread?. for their.motto, the result.of thestruggle ceaseato. be &sat- fa The. Tories aseert,, indeed, that. the cheap bread: of the manufacturer brings want and hunger to- the' agriculturist, and. declare that the Whigs have built the prosperity of the towns 011 the ruin of the agricultural popu- lation. To this argument of the landlords there is, however, an answer suf- ficiently obvious—' Lower the rent of your farms, and agriculture will pros- per also.' The war of Protection is one between the millions of the cities and—not the millions of the rural population; but a-couple of thousand Tory landlords."- At Cassel; where the price of bread- is fixed by the police, the bakers found their business a losing concern, in consequence of the high price or corn, and' were in some cases unable, by reason of the existing scarcity; to furnish the-usual quantity of bread'; some of them, too, seeing- their' stook diminish too rapidly; providently desired to eke it out. An order, however, hasheen issued, to the effect that every baker shall: bake daily such quantity of bread as the-police may prescribe, and sell it at the price- hired by the police. Disobedience is to bepunished. in every case with a fine of 31. or a fortnight's imprisonment, and. repeated infraction.: with expubsion from guild.

Cara OF Goon HOPE.—The- monthly mail isnow over-due; but it:wfiI not arrive for a few more days.: the Bosphorus- made an unusually long voyage outwards,_ and would therefore be unable to start homewards till some days after her regular day of departure.

Meanwhile,. some-papers-have been brought home by the Windsor mer- chant-ship, which left the Cape of Good_ Elope on the 9th, of Jimuary, about a week later than the latest dates by the' last maiL The news is confined to two. points:: the spoil seoured.hy the trans-ICei expedition had amounted to some 14,000 cattle; Major Wilmot, the brave'anclekilful commanding-officer at Fort Peddle; lest his, life on Year's Day; by a shot from the enemy.