13 MARCH 1858, Page 10



On Monday. the English Stock Market opened heavily at a general decline upon Saturday's prices ; Consols were first quoted 961 1 for Money and

961 1 for April. Still greater flatness was produced by some large sales by the broker for the East India Company. Large arrivals of specie from Australia and the West Indies have been announced this week ; and with continued and increasing ease in the money-market there is everything to indicate the prospect of a steady rise in the value of Stocks ; but the un- easiness prevailing with regard to our political relations with France tends, if notabsolutely to cause any important fall, to cheek the buoyancy that would otherwise undoubtedly exist. Various rumours have been circulated during the week, all more or less calculnted at the moment to affect prices. On

Tuesday Consols recovered nearly a per cent, upon the report that Count Walewski was about to retire from office ; the market had opened at 96g I, and it closed at 963 97.. The pamphlet of M. de la Guerroniere has not produced any particular movement, but prices have since become rather depressed, though not seriously. Lower quotations from the Paris Bourse continually arriving naturally have an unfavourable influence here. Today the market for Consols again opened heavily at a decline upon last night's quotation of 1 per cent-961 f; but one or two considerable purchases have had the effect of causing a rally to 961 buyers, at which price they close. Exchequer Bills, 38 41. The demand for money at the Bank has been throughout the week very moderate.

Foreign Securities have declined all round, the fall averaging 1 to I per cent ; the aspect of affairs in France tending especially in this market to create an uneasy feeling : were things more settled, it is probable a great deal of speculative business would be done from the fact of so many securi- ties remaining for so long a period at mere nominal values. Mexican Bonds leave off at 191 201; Buenos Ayres, 79 81 ; Ditto Deferred, 17 18 ; Peru- vian Four-and-a-haif per Cents, 80 81; Ditto Three per Cents, 56 57 ; Turkish Six per Cents, 101 1011 ; Ditto Four per Cents, 1031 101 ; Spanish Three per Cents, 44 441; Spanish Deferred, 26 261 ; Russian, 109 111 ; Victor Emmanuel Mortgage Loan, MI. paid-up, 21 11 discount. The English Railway Market has been dull and drooping all the week,

partly from the unsettled state of politics, and partly front the unsatisfac- tory traffic-returns on some of :the principal lines, particularly those of the London and North-Western. The fall has been heavy in some instances ; Midland and London and South-Western having receded 2 per cent, London and North-Western and Great Western 11 per cent. Brighton hal; also fallen 2, and Caledonian 11. Although a decline so general has taken place, business has by no means been active, operations having been exceedingly limited. Midland Stock leaves off at 961 97/ ; London and North-Western, 951 f; Great Western, 583 581; Leeds, 911 911; North British, 51152 ; Caledonian, 461 461 ; Brighton, 105 106 ; South-Eastern, 21 21i ; North Staffordshire, 4 dis. ; Great Northern Shares, 251 251. There is a little more firmness exhibited this afternoon after the usual hours. The French Market is decidedly flat in the face of a good Bank return, politics and bad traffic-returns exercising an unfavourable influence. Paris and


Lyons, 31{ 321 ; Paris and Strasbourg, 26! 271; Northern of France, 371 3 The1. Indian Market is extremely dull, from no cause more than the general depression. East Indian, 108 109 ; Great Indian Peninsula, 211 211 ; Madras 201. Shares, 201 21.


Owing to the statement of the Chancellor of the Exchequer last night that the questions at issue between the French and English Governments had been finally and satisfactorily settled, the Funds have opened 1 per cent higher, with good markets : Consols, 97 971. There is not much stirring in Foreign Stocks, but Railway Shares are a shade better. There is an increase of bullion shown in this week's Bank return of 95,959/.


A considerable reaction has taken place since the morning in the price of English Securities ; Consols are now only 961, after being at one time 971 buyers. The heaviness is mainly attributable to several very large sales of stock. Railway shares are a shade flatter, but this being first "Making- up " day attention is chiefly directed towards the settling, which is fixed for Tuesday next. The following are some of the latest transactions— Caledonian, 933 ; Eastern Counties, 591; Great Northern, 103 ; Great Western, 581; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 106 ; London and North-Western, 953 ; London and South-Western, 911 ; Midland, 971; North-Eastern—Berwick,93 ; Ditto York, 761; South-Eastern, 701; East Indian, 109. Joint Stock Banks—English, Scottish, and Australian Char- tered, 171; Ottoman Bank, 171. Miscellaneous—Crystal Palace, 11; Lon- don General Omnibus Company, 31.

3 per Cent Consols

963 1 Ditto for Account 961 7 3 per Cent Reduced shut New 3 per Cents shut Long Annuities shut Bank Stock shut Exchequer Bills 38 42 India Stock shut Austrian 5 per Cents Brazilian 5 per Cents 90 93 102 104 Belgian 41 per Cents 99 101 Chilian 6 per Cents 105 107 Danish 5 per Cents .... 100 102 ex div.

Danish 3 per Cents 83 85 Dutch 21 per Cents 651 661 Ditto 4 per Cents 1001 11 Mexican 3 per Cents 193 20.

Peruvian 41 per Cents ... 80 82 ex div.

Ditto 3 per Cent 55 57 Portuguese 3 per Cents 1853. 45 46 Russian 5 per Cents 109 111

Ditto 41 per Cents loci

1013 Spanish 3 per Cents Ditto Deferred

44 4

26 261 Sardinian 5 per Cents 91 93 Swedish 4 per Cents 80 83 Turkish 6 per Cents 101 2 Ditto 4 per Cents Guaranteed 1033 41

An insane competition for the London and Manchester traffic has been in operation between the London and North-Western and the Great Northern Railways : each undertaking to convey passengers from London to Manchester and back, with permission to stay at Manchester for seven days, all for the sum of five shillings ! Yesterday, however, the Companies ar- ranged to return to the ordinary fares.