13 MARCH 1886, Page 26


The Heretic, March. (E. W. Allen.)—An excellent title this for a magazine, if we take the word in its favourable sense of that which exeroises a deliberate ohoice, it may well be against popular opinion. If the editor will choose really good matter,tiefying, for instance, the absurd custom of stuffing his pages with indifferent fiction, he will do well. We must own, however, that this number is not very promising, There is a great quantity of fiction, and this of very moderate value. We shall be glad to see a "free bat decorous discussion of all vital questions," but we regard with suspicion the purpose "to afford a field for talent too often wasted upon publishers' clerks." Does this mean printing what publishers will not take ? We are not enthusias- tically fond of publishers, but, after all, they and their readers

(meant, we presume, by their " clerks ") commonly know their business.