13 MAY 1837, Page 2

News from Spain, of superior importance to any we have

lately received, may be daily expected. Considerable reinforcements hav ing been sent to General Ev ANS, Ilv was obliged to get possession of SOMO Carlist positiens to obtain quarters for his troops. He at- tacked and carried time little village of 1.ozola, the men of the Legion behaving with great gallantry. Even the Cellist care- spendent of the Morning Pod admits that it was impossib'e for atmy troops to exhibit more steady bravery. losurrections of a formidable nature broke out in Tarragona, on the 30th of April, where a denier,' at ic party gained the ascen- dancy, and proclaimed the independence of the pit lime,-. At Barcelona, the " anarchists," as they are called, forced themselves into the Town-hail and the Court of Justice, on time 4th instant; but, after sustaining a severe canntheele during the night, they capitulated early on the morning of the 5th; and tranquillity was. restored.